General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    aight gtg alice, your sub 20% tinker winrate has strengthened my resolve. i thank you for your support roflmao


      I used to get rekt by 5 carry teams but the last times ive played against them, i dumpstered them. Theyre all begging each other for space to farm, but they dont have enough on their side of the map, so one of em has to be a more space creator, only its almost never enough against even semi aggressive lineups.


        eyy haffy pm me on steam if ur gonna play so i can watch

        im bored af


          Ive won as tink in my bracket by just going dagon 5 and tping onto my slark who is ganking then ks with dagon. I didnt even buy blink lol.


            that axe game was lit


              Looking at my huskar and that my highest winrate lane is mid, u think i can climb spamming him, probably my best mid hero. Along with sf, necro, and maybe mirana.


                Ye np abandon, so we go ham lol


                  nah u can climb if u start playing again kappa

                  for real tho, ur match history is all dotty on one side, and completely blank on the other, wattup with that

                  mom said it's my turn on ...

                    I just discovered how bloodseeker REALLY works.

                    And who the fuck is torte de lini in the hero guides? He doesn't know shit about the guides he makes yet he has top rated guides PLUS is making money out of it via Patreon. I've made it my life goal to downvote all torte de lini guides


                      torte de what

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        fuck everyone, but fuck the guys in this thread especially


                          the tilt begins


                            Rip mmr on Sunday

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              SO TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                fuck dota 2 cs go for life


                                  If u eat something really tasty, but you don't swAllow it, does it count?


                                    Yo haf u just have to rekt scrubs to untilt

                                    mom said it's my turn on ...

                                      I fucking love that picture of a cat eating spaghetti for some reason

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        PARTY RIGHT NOW




                                            Can't use my main because I'm at mineski infinity for the first time and gmail is being a cuck, shall we go cuck some fools?


                                              sexy 50 mmr


                                                haffy's invo so gud i jizzed

                                                mom said it's my turn on ...

                                                  Im coming tonight but not too late. Gotta get up early tomorrow

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    who wants to get boosted roflmao


                                                      losses everywhere today lol

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        I don't know what time I should start running from dire mid to ancients to stack BabyRage


                                                          ^lul axe mid?


                                                            I really want to play, but i cant, papa said no. Tbh i have a lot of school work and shit too. FeelsBadMan.


                                                              R u playing ta mid


                                                                TAHT LAST GAME WAS SO TRIGGERING FUCK PA AND LC PICKERS

                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                  Hey I won my fucking lane alright, aaaand then their supports fucked you up with millions of sentries


                                                                    Add me pls i wanna be part of ur club too


                                                                      Im lonely as fuck

                                                                      mom said it's my turn on ...

                                                                        Give this guy a team

                                                                        mom said it's my turn on ...

                                                                          Speaking of teams, who wants to join my semi-serious dota team called kamoti club? Lul


                                                                            rofl kise guy added me but i didnt know hes from here, so i ended up ignoring it feelsbadman


                                                                              Kek so I guess it was my fault. Think I need to play roaming Riki more. Cuz I have no idea how to play that shit hero


                                                                                They literally bought a million sentries.


                                                                                  anyone up for a game?


                                                                                    tbh, i dun mind the team idea, im going to TI15


                                                                                      Road to ti7.

                                                                                      You can join the club kise, after you answer this question. Why do u think u don't see girls perv on guys the way guys perv on girls?


                                                                                        anyone playing right now?

                                                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                                                          why the fuck is the topic alive, pls mod close this, it offends me


                                                                                            Cybercafe isnt open till 10.30 feelsblackman


                                                                                              Can I join the club too?


                                                                                                You can join if you don't mind us throwing from time to time kek cause seriously who the fuck trihards for party memer lmfao


                                                                                                  1 game again and feel free to add me


                                                                                                    I want to join but i cannot. FeelsBadMan