General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


    last time i did that i simply got told that my pc sucks xd


    afaik theres no legit 1 mmr guy, most of them are people who are intentionally losing games to reach that mmr

    but i know some people who are legit 50-100 mmr

    got the page, but i wont put a pic LUL

    doc joferlyn simp

      Look up JimJim's channel in Yt. He does Daily 1 MMR vids where he wrecks sub 10 MMR people with troll builds.

      doc joferlyn simp

        Oh yes the consumption of material goods greatly elevates my emotional state.


          Well I'm going to get there .
          Invoker in solo tanked is going to carry me to 1 mmr


            heh i just saw my grades and this is the first time in a year where my grades went above 50 i must be getting more diligent

            this is what elevates my emotional state


              I get shat on by my dad because I get 75/100 average on most grades


                I get shat on by my parents cos I get 90-95/100 on most tests


                  what a bunch of tryhards


                    I hope you're joking apoop


                      xd good thing my parents dont care about my grades anymore as long as i pass. but i want to try harder since i got nothing to do except play video games anyway

                      tbf our school's curriculum is zero based so the passing is 50 and most of the idiots get 20-30


                        Casual fuck enjoy your parenthood and hedonistic college life


                          apoo never tells the truth

                          he's constantly in a dream-like state because he still hasnt recovered from his five year long coma


                            50/100? Thats some next level bs


                              I'm not. Its always why not 99.


                                @renshin whats ur university btw

                                i heard SLU was difficult so i never bothered trying to go there not to mention i dislike the idea of living in boarding houses xd


                                  I have stopped trying now


                                    passing in my school is 80/100 but i guess yours is more laxed alice, since its SEA


                                      Its filled with people from your place, same place where I met my soon to be wife


                                        yep, 50 in our school = 75 in normal grading system

                                        basically to get the normal grading system equivalent you get the half of your grade then add 50 to it

                                        so my 78 in physics = 89


                                          oh shit, you might have fucked one of my highschool crushes XDXDXD


                                            Pass marks in my school is like 40/100, if u fail u get to do the xam till u pass over and over and over again like a retarded version of the no child left behind


                                              and yeah our school is more forgiving (the instructors arent) because u dont need to pass an exam to enter our uni



                                                  @alice, depends if you live near urdaneta


                                                    i live near but i dont live there so no


                                                      I'm 12 BTW hahaa


                                                        oh btw

                                                        forgive me clement, i got that acc to lpq again LOLOLOLOL

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          Austin's rap holy shit man HAHAHAHA

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            I'm rewatching the whole ERB and I'm just starting to noticing the other puns in the lyrics, these guys are geniuses no kappa.


                                                              B on D


                                                                Haha what a bunch of undergrad retards C:


                                                                  William wallace best erb

                                                                  and those 5 directors

                                                                  and blackbeard

                                                                  and frederick douglas


                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    I just watched Douglass vs Jefferson and it's so good xgfn n gxjyhj g Now I just watched Spielberg vs Hitchcock and why is everything so perfect and cool df fz gfz hg uhbb jnhjbn hyj

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      Everything is orgasmic.


                                                                        careful haffy

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp



                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              My god how long did it take for them to finish this holy shit.


                                                                                Dayum Alice is really 3.5? Ok I guess I'll just roast bws. That delusional fella still thinks he's 3k and on the way to 4k when he barely has 50% in 2k. He hardly plays because the more he does the more it will become apparent that it was just all luck


                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k
                                                                                  he barely has 50% in 2k


                                                                                    Ayy lmao Kyle u did this?


                                                                                      Wow my recent matches are very interesting, I'll have to grind this back up after I get 3k on my main.


                                                                                        Luuul bws. You'll never be a true 3k even if u climb to 4k. U can't just skip 1000mmr it ain't right xD


                                                                                          Cen I skip 1k?


                                                                                            I dont have time for at least 40 matches


                                                                                              i have a 1.9 acc apoo, you can practice on that if u want


                                                                                                inb4 renshin has an acc for every mmr


                                                                                                  You're just fucking salty the only 1k around right now is apoop and you have to be categorized on the same class with apoop
                                                                                                  I'm still and will always be better than you on any aspect in carrying or any other role you might as well as quit because you're just embarassing yourself right now


                                                                                                    T R I G G E R E D


                                                                                                      honestly tho ive lost the drive for dota lately

                                                                                                      the only thing i care about these days is getting back my 50-60 fps in dota/csgo and getting 100% achievement in shovel knight