General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
mr. rabbit

    thats its guys im banning jugg every game fuck that hero no one in 3500 knows how to deal with him including me

    if someone could tell me how to deal with 4 second spell immune that deals fuckton of damage and how to kill that ufcking retarded ward that heals him to full as a melee hero i would be grateful

    mr. rabbit

      shit i got the page again


        you lost to jug as lc?

        mr. rabbit

          yeah ogre kept on slowing me with ignite and id purge it so i could run then hed stun me then jugg spins and cuckblocks me and i cant do anything about it cuz pathing manually in 9 fps is gigahard


            learn how to play axe offlane

            mr. rabbit

              i solo killed him once inside his fucking spin but after a certain point i couldnt do it anymore idk why is that

              i had retarded items like stout boots of speed and a wand i think

              also why the fuck are ppl flaming me for not going vg and getting blink force against lifestealer dont these ppl read feast's tooltip efvdfdfrgbrgh


                Lol alice and all the jugg you've faced are retards
                Facing my jugg would be your nightmare kappa

                mr. rabbit

                  is axe the best counter to jugg i rly dont wanna play axe because i dont know how far i can go aggressive so i just die most of the time

                  but eh fuck i guess this is something i can only learn if i play the hero time to lose more lanes so i can get more wins in the future


                    weaver is good solution to jugg.


                      But jug is balanced

                      mr. rabbit

                        i mean if i decide to just fuck it all im just gonna build iron talon every game and farm 2-3 camps while getting runes + defending my t1 like el clasico 688 offlane dota

                        but i dont think i can reliably win games without pressuring the enemy safelaner, unless im wrong with this (cmiiw), i dont think i can solo win games no matter how much farm i get as an offlaner so i think i rly just have to know how to win against this retarded piece of shit moron hero

                        and @bws can u practice against me then rekting 2k scrubs with u isnt fun when i cant win solo ranked games, so why not just 1v1 me off vs safe in our free time

                        mr. rabbit

                          jugg is balanced

                          but i suck

                          !!! cant do anything about that

                          mr. rabbit

                            bws how come u can play every time im online anyway are u finally free from responsibilities




                                Kek im not even in seatard


                                  No, I'm just running away from it
                                  I study on nights, go to net cafe on morning cuz I got 3rd session on my test which is 2pm to 4pm


                                    Let's try to do it tomorrow for 5-6 times in a row
                                    I haven't played against a good offlaner yetso it'd prepare me for the worst to come

                                    mr. rabbit

                                      l0l same here hehe got exams tomorrow but instead of worrying about it im worrying over this retarded video game number called MMR which wont affect my life unless its 7000+ xd


                                        So if it were any other carry u can rekt them? But u just can't deal with blade fury?

                                        Is ur goal to solo kill the safelAner every game?

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          i'll try tomorrow, about 10am to 11:30 but pretty sure i wont be able to bring myself to play because my exams start at 12pm

                                          by friday if u can play ill be able to play from 9 onwards until i run out of money or i get tired of the game (because playing at 9 fps at home is not good for my brain)

                                          mr. rabbit


                                            YES YES YES


                                            how i currently play against jugg:
                                            1) get return lv 1 and trade hits
                                            *he salves*
                                            2) get stun lv 2 and try to force him to use all his regen so i can try to solo kill him lv3/4
                                            *i misplay because im retarded for thinking i can stun a spell immune jug with my half second cast point stun*
                                            *he heals to full and gets all of the advantage*
                                            3) cry cuz i cant do anything anymore except to sit back and watch him farm while my teammates flame me

                                            thing is while i do know that 3kers (me included, again) die to the same shit over and over (i think i died to a jugg over 10+ times across all my games) i dont know what exactly it is that kills me so i cant counterplay it lol

                                            do i play more passively? should i know how to trade more efficiently? how much of a trade is "enough"? is there an approach to this that idk?

                                            mr. rabbit

                                              i wish people would pick slark again


                                                i'd play slardar instead and get a hero that can outrun him. what i like to do against jugg is try to fake stuns to bait his fury, so just dont commit to it and your problem is solved. u can be super aggressive after he wastes bladefury



                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    yeah im thinking about that too but for some reason i end up at half hp while he heals to full because im melee and cant kill his ward l0l

                                                    i dont think i can even win a trade against this guy ever, potentially he'll always have better sustain than me unless im an underlord who makes him deal zero damage outside of bladefury (i can kill him inside it too if i get stacks) but then not rly sure if that would win me lanes because a while back i was complaining about how i couldnt win against a jugg as underlord too LUL


                                                      thats him baiting u to be an over aggressive while he still has healing ward. good thing is if u bait him enough he is quite mana starved. he cant really trade hits with u 1 v 1 tho right? so why not just farm until u see the opportunity where he has no mana or he wastes spin


                                                        well, good jugs buy mango
                                                        just play axe, even if he gets decent farm
                                                        your 9-11 min blink will rekt him or try sk


                                                          I buy mango
                                                          I'm a good jugg

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            I rekt jugg every game,Enemies jugg must have sub40% winrate to me.


                                                            1) I Lycan,No way he can win if trading hit,if he can I run hahahahaha if he lose he can't out run me hahahaha
                                                            -ulti solution : I got 2 wolf and necro creep to tank

                                                            2)Ursa with SB/SE and ulti can 6hit or max 8 hit him hahahaha
                                                            -ulti solution : Enrage tank him no dmg at all hahahaha

                                                            3)WK you crit?I crit also hahahaha with lifesteal HAHAHAHA
                                                            -ulti solution : I got 2 life please ulti me HAHAHAH

                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                              ok i just want to clarify this

                                                              if trading with the enemy safelaner becomes harder do i still try do something about it to (hopefully) minimize the farm he gets or do i just let him do whatever he wants and just try to farm up on my own as well so i can get a secured midgame? i should just farm up righg

                                                              im thinking the latter is the better option but in my games im doing the former but i end up feeding


                                                                I rekt pudge every game,Enemies pudge must have sub40% winrate to me.
                                                                1) I void,No way he can win if trading hit,if he can I run hahahahaha if he lose he can't out run me hahahaha
                                                                -ulti solution : linken and quick reflex timewalk haha
                                                                2)AM with manta and ulti can 6hit or max 8 hit him hahahaha
                                                                -ulti solution : Aghanim hahaha
                                                                3)Jugg you hit?I crit hahahaha with mana burn HAHAHAHA
                                                                -ulti solution : 0 cast time spin hahaha


                                                                  or you know, go gank other lanes once you have enough levels


                                                                    I rekt slark every game,Enemies slark must have sub40% winrate to me.
                                                                    1) I void,No way he can win if trading hit,if he can I run hahahahaha if he lose he can't out run me hahahaha
                                                                    -ulti solution : shadow blade and good time dilation timing hahaha
                                                                    2)AM with manta and ulti can 6hit or max 8 hit him hahahaha
                                                                    -ulti solution : Abyssal hahaha you dead fishboy
                                                                    3)Jugg you hit?I crit hahahaha with mana burn HAHAHAHA
                                                                    -ulti solution : dont care i will 5 man you and remove your barrack before you get SB haha

                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                      I rekt slark every game,Enemies slark must have sub40% winrate to me.
                                                                      1) I centa,No way he can win if trading hit,if he can I run hahahahaha if he lose he can't out run me hahahaha
                                                                      -ulti solution : stun and quick reflex stampede haha
                                                                      2)techi with agha and ulti can 1hit or max 2 hit him hahahaha
                                                                      -ulti solution : Stasis + boom hahaha
                                                                      3)Underlord you hit?I hit hahahaha with passive HAHAHAHA
                                                                      -ulti solution : pit root hahaha

                                                                      mr. rabbit


                                                                        ive always hesitated of doing that if i didnt win my lane (my definiton of win is at least 1 solo kill with no deaths) because that means the carry gets more farm when im out of my lane

                                                                        but i guess the same thing is gonna happen either way, just have to accept the fact that sometimes theres nothing i can do to their safelane so might as well maximize my impact i guess


                                                                          dude i'd puke if i played only 3 heroes for a week and yet you do it and guess what, WK< URSA AND FUCKIN LYCAN are the ones you spam osezgj;gnszdrg are u dead inside ?


                                                                            quick reflex stampede

                                                                            OH SHIT SON ENEMY SLARK RUNNING YOU PRESS R INSTANTLY SO FUCKING GOOD SON SICK REFLEX YOU GOT

                                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                                              NONE OF MY SKILLS REQUIRE ACTUAL QUICK REFLEXES IM JUST 2LAZY TO THINK OF SOMETHING TO REPLACE IT WITH


                                                                                sometimes its just better to abandon the lane rather than trying to contest then feeding hard
                                                                                watch how cookie plays sk or how universe plays axe


                                                                                  Cookie on SK = universe on axe
                                                                                  I bet universe is a trash axe player


                                                                                    OH SHIT BOYS ME AND FX ARE THE ONLY SAFLANOR HERE


                                                                                      hmm, really makes you think :thinking:


                                                                                        I'll make a confession here
                                                                                        I never shiftqueue :thinking:


                                                                                          Oh shit son landing chronospheres with shiftqueue


                                                                                            I use default hotkeys

                                                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                                                              u dont shift queue spells with cast points

                                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                                wattup with forums lately SEA cucks rly think that other servers are any better?

                                                                                                jesus christ these "how to mmr sea onluuuuu" threads rly makes u ?????

                                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                                  hi guys i play sea so many thrower i will move to eu because theres no language barrier (i can understand italian german russian and other eu language even tho me is pinoy and barely literate engrish) and 300 ping isnt an issue because 2k eu = 7k sea 2k eu pick sd luna every gaem and rax at 15 min


                                                                                                    If some dude picked SD I WOULD NOT PICK LUNA
                                                                                                    He'd disrupt me to set up for the enemy team


                                                                                                      I would pick some shit like PL and tell him to fucking disrupt my illusions