General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    it is le mine you scumbags


      Haffy visiting VHS again ? Did u apply for visa ?


        I like penis


          Penis likes me


            can i fuck you like a pig then?

            BSJ. LGD

              mr. rabbit

                ur thinking things of the wrong way

                it doesnt matter how much more cores or how much farm their jungler gets

                what matters is how many of YOUR cores do you actually bring on the top

                by punshing their jungler you are NOT winning ANY of their lanes

                and winning lanes doesnt take too much time

                it only takes somewhere around 7-10 mins, which is around the same time their jungler gets their first major item

                think of it like this: would you rather win your lanes and have 2-3 of your cores get the first big major item vs their farmed jungler, or punish their jungler so he doesnt get his major items, but risk your teammates to lose their lanes

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  can I fuck impregnate you like a pig then?

                  mr. rabbit

                    so what happens is instead of soloing the jungler, you get to dumpster him with ur team who has at least 1-2 core items and take their side of the map from min 10-15

                    sure their lc farms her blink phase in 8 mins, but his mid and safe is poor af, meanwhile ur sf has sb, ur jugg has aquila phase yasha or w/e, and maybe ur other carry is a PA who has a deso vlads or w/e shit she buys

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^^Alice got the idea right

                      mr. rabbit

                        @Alice Is PMS a must buy or does Stout Shield suffice? Last game I played with a Stout Shield and things went okay but whenever I watch pro players they go PMS. Don't really know what to make of this.

                        no idea

                        i dont buy either

                        i just go oov 2 branch, i feel like u dont need the stout/pms if ur roaming because u have around 850-900 hp and 5 armor alr at lv 1

                        mr. rabbit

                          but what do i know pros build them and i dont, i just dont see the utility in getting stout/pms when ur roaming

                          if ur offlaning u 100% get them tho


                            alice is noob retard dpojgsdfpgjdfgd


                              hi sia here friend's house lul


                                Hi koala man I've missed your sweet, tender, womanly touch on my cock :horse:


                                  hi horse u gonna be missing my manly touch on ur cock for quite a while longer


                                    [26/04 15:28] ‪+62 812-9538-7325‬: Rofl
                                    [26/04 15:28] ‪+62 812-9538-7325‬: You did not know me
                                    [26/04 15:28] ‪+62 812-9538-7325‬: Haffy is shit
                                    [26/04 15:29] ‪+62 812-9538-7325‬: He is around 3k right

                                    HAFFY 3K? HAHAHAHAHAH



                                      Boi +200/-200 MMR ;)


                                        Cucks think they're cool in WhatsApp. Fight me


                                          We don't think we're cool
                                          We're actually cool
                                          Too hot for heaven
                                          Too cool for hell
                                          While you're just some shitty insecure gamma cuck who kept changing it's profile picture and name every hour


                                            Yes I intentionally implied you as an object go fcuk yourself


                                              Too cool for school as well?

                                              You used "it's" wrong you retard, "it's" is a contraction between the two words "it" and is". So your sentence is literally "While you're just some shitty insecure gamma cuck who kept changing *it is* profile picture and name every hour". Should have used "its" to denote possessiveness between my profile and I.

                                              Fite me cuck


                                                o n e a p o s t r o p h e

                                                I'm ready for my 2nd VAC


                                                  Ez maphack now everyone knows how I got to 2k


                                                    Void's MoM pickup was pretty smart or coincidentally good considering that his teammates were too dumb to do any followup to his consistent chronos


                                                      W h a t d o y o u m e a n o n e a p o s t r o p h e ? I a m i n d e e d m i s s i n g s o m e t h i n g b u t i t i s n ' t a n a p o s t r o p h e . I t ' s a q u o t a t i o n m a r k y o u ' t a r d

                                                      Nice epeen btw. Big and long


                                                        I went 0-3 at min 25 I should polish my mid game positioning more


                                                          MUH 1ST ANIMATED LEGENDARY CARD


                                                            inb4 i started playin when everyone already stop LUL


                                                              ^Are you a fortune-teller?


                                                                sure, chiya is my waifu btw


                                                                  Bgod am


                                                                    gone wrong gone sexual last game tho


                                                                      foken babyhero


                                                                        OMFG GG AM 4 FEEDER STILL WIN VOLVO NERF PLZ


                                                                          Hey man, thats how i win my games
                                                                          but whatever floats your boat, go with it then


                                                                            that lineup though.


                                                                              Whats wrong with the lineup? Its legit

                                                                              mr. rabbit


                                                                                didnt read what u said about warding him and force him to lane

                                                                                that might actually be a good add-on to what im currently doing

                                                                                i mean i can just plop a sentry on their hard camps and proceed to win lanes right




                                                                                    and I must admit, some of the things ive previously said were wrong
                                                                                    my bad


                                                                                      Why can't everybody be like Alice and Renshin where people talk like people


                                                                                        how does that lineup get past the laning stage? then again, radiant have tinker + invoker. lul


                                                                                          welcome to 3k

                                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                                            lmao cancer player thread got deleted XD


                                                                                              I'd delete my thread as well if I complained about cancer players but sport a mighty 28% winrate myself


                                                                                                a lot of grill avatars lately


                                                                                                  Been on weeb avatars for weeks now I thought it was a time to spice it up a bit


                                                                                                    had this weeb avatar for long time. i really dont know what to put