General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    4k games should be easy to win if PEOPLE actually play AS the role they are playing

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      i stopped solo queing after massive losing streak last week sad


        haha, party mmr is much mote fun


          Astolfo xD


            We loli now?

            doc joferlyn simp

              I watch anime and I can say this page is turning cancerous. We need the purifying light of memes through these dark times.

              doc joferlyn simp

                bepis enthusiasts


                  Wtf lmao


                    yall need satan

                    meteor hammer

                      AUTO THOTS ROLL OUT

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Seems like the mods finally have gotten a sense of humor, all is well.


                          btw i never won with arc thorne + hex. if i get that i will definitely lack 1 slot at least. arc is slow af so u cant put travels on backpack, in close matches where enemy and u are all full item and level, u really do need both silver/blink + pike. u also would never let go of the mjollnir. effectively u have 2 item choices to make and u really cant choose wrong. yesterday's match we lost cuz i didnt build mkb + hex + silver + bkb and instead sold shadow blade for hex cuz i had thorne and i didnt get rid of linken for bkb. WHY DID I NOT GET MKB sfdgjkrrfgr

                          meteor hammer

                            i never get silver edge, nerd item

                            meteor hammer

                              5000 gold for wat

                              thorn+hex lets u disable 4 people at once comon think of the plays

                                meteor hammer

                                  i believe this account was sold and a new person is playing from 7.06 onwards

                                  meteor hammer

                                    one simply does not lose this much skill. even if i went straight to my 6k flat account after 2 months of not playing, id probably drop to low 5k or even high 4k god forbid, but i would not drop to 3k or 2k ever. i would have to have a traumatic brain injury or stop playing for a couple years. I doubt i'd dip below 35-40% winrate overall, supports like omni and tree are just too easy to have a decent amount of impact with even if you have 0 brain

                                    as it is it took me 250 games to get back to 5k from a low low 4k account, not looking at any patch notes or streamers/pro games

                                    and yes. he lost about 140 more ranked games than he won, an mmr shift of -3500. truly proof that if you do not belong, you shift rapidly


                                      Still the same guy, he managed to reach 5k a few months ago, I am acquainted with him.

                                      But how the fuck does a 5k player drop to 2k?


                                        I'm trying to spam earth spirit to 5k in this account but doesnt seem to work

                                        meteor hammer

                                          go ask him how he had under 19% winrate over 60 games in patch 7.06b, or under 24% winrate over 40 games in patch 7.06

                                          i do not believe it

                                          meteor hammer

                                            i have seen actual account buyers with better stats than this


                                              I'm still confused about why that guy keeps on spamming invo, even though he is a joker.

                                              but for me, I already realized that im an injoker, because I have low invo win rate on both accs.

                                              But why spam a hero that will only make you lose more mmr?

                                              meteor hammer

                                                bonus: when he was above 3k mmr almost every game with truesight people call out how useless he is, and he calls one teammate (usually his carry) an account buyer. even when he is 0/9 and did nothing all game


                                                  I played with him many times and when I watched him in laning phase coz i only play supp nowadays, he misses a ton of cs as a carry even with quelling blade and offlaner zoned out.

                                                  and when he plays invo, combos are reall hard to see from him.


                                                    And for fuck's sake, his sf is one of the worst, 30% raze accuracy, most of the time he has the worst kda in every game, always in a bad position, does not listen to teammates' suggestions even when I suggest.


                                                      Clearly a legit 5k guy that dropped to 2k xD.


                                                        some ppl lose their dota mindedness in the blink of an eye. like me. when im fine and focused i can see how to win games. then there are games where i just dont know what im doing or hwo to play dota


                                                          ye^ pretty much if i dont eat and sleep enough or if i play dota when im exhusted this happens and this is the better one at least i had some impact

                                                          but like rn that it's morning, i understand what im doing and i put my mind in the game and i get stuff like this . basically physical situation matters a lot

                                                          ps. jdf silver/blink i said. like u pretty much buy one of sb/blink after travels mjol, then after u full slot u either gotta sacrifice ur positioning in fights for smth really necessary or u hold on to it. the times i had neither blink nor sb/silver we literally lost cuz of it


                                                            argh like 50ish% winrate for the first time in my life get me out of this game. im stuck


                                                              its mental more than anything i think

                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                mkb was a mistake in that last game

                                                                idk i just go travel mj then pike or blink and im good, everything else is bonus items


                                                                  tfw no cute anime girl that has you printed on a body pillow to sleep with



                                                                      I'm just baiting out your memes haffy :thinking:

                                                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                        Ah shit. I need help. Some weird girl still keeps on messaging me after my deliberate turn off tactics including droning on about half life 3 for an hour straight and expicitly announcing I am not looking for a rrlationship, but she keeps on going on and on about how she misses being in one and keeps on telling me what shes looking for. I dont want to be an ass and explicitly tell her I dont like her but man how tf is the blatant nerdery gibberish still not putting her off?

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          just be direct and honest and she will appreciate it

                                                                          or she will get offended and say something like "I never wanted to be your gf! ew!" because you heurt her feelings

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Tell her your pecker is small

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              My memes need not be baited, I'll post every page we have if I can rofl


                                                                                Haff you up for dora later? We can make 3 people lose mmr by being rusty cucks

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp



                                                                                    Holy FUCK I'm so bad at farming agressively now and I'm too lazy to relearn that shit

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      Anyone up for a game or two? I have to go in 2 hours


                                                                                        Give me few mins I have lots of things delivered


                                                                                          i officialy hate juggernaut more than AM now. and i might ban AM every game, because apparently 3ks dont know how to deal with a 30 min manta AM. while free farm juggernauts have no idea how to win the game. 2 losses lost in the exact same fucking way with a jugg on my team who free farmed and did nothing wholegame, and a 30 min manta am who fucking won because we didnt do shit.



                                                                                            Am is back? wtf


                                                                                              should i ban jugg or am?


                                                                                                Are you in hidden pool too jacked?


                                                                                                  Jdf mkb was cuz i was planning for future and thought wind has windrun and luna will get butter so imma mkb rn anyway. Couldve got diffusal instead but idk why whenever i get diffusal i fuck up and q>hex>dif ing and end up even misclicking after xd. Idk it's only diffusal.

                                                                                                  And man pike is kinda that extra positioning item. really nothing compared to blink. Shadow blade is good against blink cancelers


                                                                                                    I am the hidden pool.


                                                                                                      I think im in hidden pool help