General Discussion

General DiscussionUNBAN SPUNKI / BAN MODS 2

UNBAN SPUNKI / BAN MODS 2 in General Discussion
artreezy's dad

    there is no bad behaviour going on, nobody is offended.

    you're just going on a ban spree because you guys are feeling extra knighty lately.

    when someone actually gets offended maybe then you should act.

    can you please link me a post where someone is actually getting directly targeted and harassed please? thanks.

    and i mean using your trigger words, because I don't think anyone resorts to racial slurs when they are flaming each other.

    not arin



        Lmao arin

        not arin

          Remember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct

          lp pesok #2

            pretikt my mmr please

            artreezy's dad

              Remember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of ConductRemember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct

              artreezy's dad

                hi guys what is my mmr

                im stuck at 1k i dont know why i win every game can someone exlpain to me how to get good at dota thanks

                lp pesok #2

                  guys my mmr please!?


                    mods DNR


                      Benao you're such a unicorn made me laugh so much

                      artreezy's dad

                        mods DNR

                        lp pesok #2

                          You guys are just triggered that Trump will win

                          p.s. pretikt my mmr


                            blahblahblah benaos been telling to new people to eat shit since their first (normal, usually asking for advice) posts and he's being tolerated but someone says a word with a light homophobic/racist

                            One of those is crass, and the other is actively hateful/discriminatory. Trash talk isn't great, but it's a far cry from demeaning an entire group of people based on their identity. This is a *huge* difference.

                            artreezy's dad

                              ^ LOL.

                              NOBODY IS DEMEANING AN ENTIRE GROUP.

                              i dont see how you don't understand this.

                              honestly you have 2 choices here. you either realize how stupid you're being, say sorry, unban people and stop being so SJW.


                              you ban every single word that could possibly offend ANYONE. you realize RETARDS are a group of people right? IDIOTS? BITCHES? ETC?

                              ban every single word that could possibly mean offense to aNYONE thank you.

                              how in your right mind do you think a forum user HARASSING another user is not as bad as someone saying f a g jokingly? ???

                              Why isn't GAY a banned word? So if spunki's image said "What's your childhood nickname - gayboy" thats ok now?

                              lp pesok #2

                                Good bye, you're banned

                                artreezy's dad

                                  thats ok the mods are too stupid to learn how to IP ban, i literally have like 15 accounts, and I can make more in 3 minutes. besides I could use a proxy if they ever update their website.

                                  censorship is not right, and that's what this is.

                                  the rules you're enforcing are for a children's website where all cruel language is banned including cursing and swearing.


                                    HotPokket MEXICAN? HotPokket

                                    casual gamer

                                      this thread is lit as fuck

                                      lp pesok #2

                                        Let's build a wall around the bad words, make dotabuff great again

                                        artreezy's dad

                                          yea and the mods can pay for it

                                          lp pesok #2



                                              Im sexually identify as a mod.Ever since I was a whiny 8 year old I dreamed of soaring DOTABUFF, dropping hot sticky bans on anyone who goes against the code of conduct and becoming the biggest SJW eventho im not needed. People tell me that it is impossible for whiny beggar to be a mod and that I'm fucking retarded, but I don't care, I'm beautiful I'm getting a surgeon to remove all traces of my bad behaviour on this site and I want you to call me Please Don't Ban Me and respect my right to ban you and ban needlessly. If you have a problem then you are a modphobe and you should check your chat priveledge.

                                              not arin

                                                One of those is crass, and the other is actively hateful/discriminatory. Trash talk isn't great, but it's a far cry from demeaning an entire group of people based on their identity. This is a *huge* difference.

                                                yea it's a huge difference when a new person comes to ask for advice about drow or sf and instantly gets told to fuck off by someone who doesn't understand how to play said heroes or dota in general (which was proved number of times) in comparison with me and afeect adressing each other with said words in a jokey manner

                                                sadly we seem to have inversed impressions of what's offensive and what's not of these two

                                                why did phantom riki get banned?
                                                which of the dozens of posts that got deleted in last two weeks were aimed to devaluate a person based on their skin color/sexual orientation?

                                                but what can we do it's your forum after all :^)

                                                not arin

                                                  like yeah most of us regulars are acting like fucking kids but thats what happens when the moderation aspect is ignored for several years, we made the board our playground with a little bent rules towards us

                                                  but name me one dotabuff veteran who actively shows aversion of people with different skin color or orientation by insulting them with racist/homophobic slurs

                                                  i understand that you want to start moderating this forum but this is like the opposite way of the correct approach, instead of deleting daily trash consisting of mmr predicting and people complaining about their team, you decide to meddle into conversations between people who know each other for years only because we're using your board as a chat room (which is probably the only thing keeping forums alife imo)

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    werent people saying shit to sampson and nothing happened for years and it just slowly wound down to nothing on its own

                                                    not arin

                                                      and deletion of the threads with empty titles is entirely beyond me unless it causes some technical problems

                                                      artreezy's dad

                                                        it's also literally the easiest thing to fix in the history of life, but their coders don't know anything i guess.

                                                        artreezy's dad

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            mfw i __ but she keeps on ____

                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                              Honestly, if that isn't appealing to you, just leave. The goal of these forums is to help people improve at Dota, not to provide a platform for your bullshit.

                                                              this is hate speech

                                                              Like i consider a lot of the members of this forum "FRIENDS" (internet ones), and saying to benao de 4k master

                                                              lol benao ur such a f@g"
                                                              - isnt harmfull in any way, unless benao doesnt liek that

                                                              Magnus is the furryfg guy, jacked is the 0mmr guy that knows 120% about the game, triple is the oldfg mam, arin is the suicidal member of the group, etc

                                                                artreezy's dad

                                                                  wow i don't get an identifier :(

                                                                  Johnny Rico
                                                                    Johnny Rico

                                                                      1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person; could be loud, rude, or of offensive nature.

                                                                      artreezy's dad

                                                                        inb4 retard mods come and say urban dictionary doesn't count even though language evolves.

                                                                        remember when the real definition of literally became figuratively :')

                                                                        artreezy's dad

                                                                          @ MEK:

                                                                          i mentioned coders in response to the blank thread deletions.

                                                                          if the threads SOMEHOW was causing technical problems (they probably aren't) then it would be insanely easy to stop people from creating those threads, but coders are either garbage, or there aren't technical problems.

                                                                          so mods are just being retards again because "not everyone can access that thread" i mean yea actually everyone can if they aren't a moron.

                                                                          not arin

                                                                            im an ass so its a bit hypocritical from me

                                                                            but lets stop calling mods and devs retards

                                                                            artreezy's dad

                                                                              maybe if they stop censoring us and treat us with some respect

                                                                              artreezy's dad

                                                                                besides they said insulting other members and trash talk is ok, just don't say those trigger words.


                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    it's lit

                                                                                    quality threads left and right



                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        artreezy's dad
