General Discussion

General Discussion2k supports

2k supports in General Discussion

    @Ayase looks like you have issues with reading the long lists right below that statement "Support is fucking easy" and read the context to understand that it was actually sarcasm.

    What's the issue with battle pass abuse if I don't ruin your game for those quests? Just a thing you could use to aggravate me? Good try.


      just buy few wards and claim themselves SUPPORT...


        Tbh most of the toxic 2k people at SEA are Garena oldfags.
        Inb4 ban because I *TRIGGERED* a mod.

        Potato Marshal

          I find that at very low mmr (0-2k), carries are usually better players than supports, while supports are better players at a bit higher mmr. Mostly because lower mmr hard carry players just go up in mmr when they learn to last hit better, whereas with lower mmr supports it's harder to figure out what exactly you're doing wrong or how to improve. Once you hit around 4k, everybody can last hit pretty well but a lot of people who only play hard carries haven't really improved on their decision making skills (e.g. when to gank and defending against pushes) so they focus on marginally improving their last hitting without looking at the bigger picture.