General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what time should I get Shadow Blade?

At what time should I get Shadow Blade? in General Discussion

    I win in this game but I feel that there are some deaths that could have been avoided if I get Shadow Blade and then use it to escape when the thing went south so I want to know that when is the time that I should get Shadow Blade as a means of escape? And I'm certainly not going to get SB as the first item because that will be wasting 2700 golds only to get countered back right in the face with a 180 golds.

    bum farto

      Hi Blueflame,

      Some things to realize about Shadow Blade is that it excels when used as an initiation, not an escape. Looking at your game I can see immediately that upgrading to a Hurricane Pike would have allowed you to maintain your distance and even dodge a few spells.

      You ideally want to get Shadow Blade as early as possible (not on Drow) on heroes like Slark so you can capatalize on the fact that supports may not have a lot of money for detection, people are split farming and are weak allowing you to gank more effectively. As the game wears on they will start to 5 man, and carry detection which wanes the effectiveness of the Shadow Blade.

      In future though, I wouldn't personally recommend the Daedalus, though if it's working for you in your bracket then so be it.

      Try items like.

      - Maelstrom (and upgrade)
      - Hurricane Pike
      - Black King Bar
      - Sceptre

      mentally handicapped

        I wouldn't personally not recommend the Daedalus

        so you recommend it or nah?


          the dotabuff code of conduct right here

          bum farto

            Sorry I misread it twice and changed it to incorrect grammar. !I SAY NO TO, CRIT ON DROW! She's got a bunch of new items that help her out, and the team so much more.

            mentally handicapped

              And no, I would usually say go Crit on Drow she's got a bunch of new items that help her out, and the team so much more.

              you lost at me at "go Crit on Drow"

              bum farto

                My lord pedantic aren't we, you get the idea.

                mentally handicapped

                  i just want the best possible learning environment in which op can grow, and for all future readers of this thread

                  Riguma Borusu

                    @Havoc, I've seen people go stupidly tanky with manta/satanic/aghs/bkb/pike etc, what games would you build like that? Obviously we're talking lategame scenarios, but I've seen people both go almost glass canon lategame, and almost all tank (although even with the tanky build you can deal a fuckton of damage in teamfights at lvl 25), and in both winning and losing scenarios.

                    casual gamer

                      if you have agh mj that leaves 3 slots for tank/mobility items and you will still be the best ranged aoe carry in the game by a large margin

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^drow>dusa? By best you mean best, and not hardest, I presume.

                        casual gamer

                          im sure dusa is actually a harder carry but it sure doesnt feel that way

                          casual gamer

                            the split frost arrows with double mj will kill ANYTHING that doesnt have bkb on, drow can also defend megas forever with ease

                            Riguma Borusu

                              What about skadi on drow? I saw some people go for it and while retards will keep telling you that the slow does not stack (it does, if you are not brain damaged), it seems like a nice overall item for drow. Plus with aghs you can slow 3 targets to death, and by slow I mean they are basically purged.

                              casual gamer

                                the thing is i have arrows on autocast because then the split arrows slow, so unless ur doing fancy autocast toggling you wont get both

                                im sure its ok, just usually id rather have satanic bkb or bfly as defensive luxury item

                                Potato Marshal

                                  A silver edge would've been pretty good against spec's and razor's passives. A butterfly instead of a daedalus might have been great too since you have a medusa and venge on your team, and the enemy team doesn't have any really good mkb carriers.


                                    i think what im beginning to understand about sb is that u get it when u have a lot of trouble getting in and out of fights without just getting focused and immediately blowing up. also usually get it if theres a need for sivler edge. otherwise i usually just skip the invisibility nonsense altogether and go for the better stuff. crit isnt really that good. maybe bloodthorne is better


                                      Crit is usually not needed. Butterfly is more effecient dmg especially for drow with precision aura cuz agi gives her more dmg than others. Plus bfly makes u tankier with evasion and 4 armor and a good ms buff.