General Discussion

General DiscussionRELIABLE way to end 3k games fast?

RELIABLE way to end 3k games fast? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    these shits taking 50 minutes is a waste of my goddamn time

    do i need to just pick morph and go blink manta to shred towers or what, if i play storm theres a 50/50 shot the game drags to 40-50 minutes while people refuse to push until i wipe everyone

    doc joferlyn simp

      wanna get coached?

      i give discounts to 5ks


        low skill players are too greedy, looking for kills rather than taking towers. Feelsbad

        casual gamer

          nvm i answered my own question

            casual gamer

              i can end the game at 20 mins with morph 3ks are that bad

              casual gamer

                they are retarded and so underleveled that if i play sven or od they will respawn before i can kill a rax solo, my team disperses to farm woods

                casual gamer

                  before i was doing shit like pa and ta, ricing deso so i can rosh.. but i never rax with the first aegis and then the game takes fucking forever to close out

                      casual gamer

                        ok u win i should be picking sven

                        not realy a hero i play a lot i guess he didnt leap to mind

                        The Medic Guy

                          yeah that's the problem with 3k's player, they kill hero they back to jungle instead push, that's what happen with 3k's and 4k's carry SEA
                          they just don't want to push.


                          that pa just afk farming the whole game when we get so many chance to push.
                          he try to outfarm the enemies and want to do "THE PLAYZ" (1 hit rampage)

                          his early 30 min build are 3battle fury, then sell 1 by 1 to get other items.
                          this is so cancerinous


                              too much shit is not aiming to win but to be HERO in mmr ... feelsbad...
                              stucked in 3.6k for 2 weeks after rise from 3.1k to 3.6k in 2 weeks .... arghhh, have to pray more ... all abt luck

                              Potato Marshal

                                I get allies who run away to farm instead of pushing all the time. Maybe they should raise tower bounties or something, anything to get people to push more.

                                Swamp Fox

                                  You can't in this patch because one mistake at high ground after dominating the map in 20 minutes and you feed 1200 gold

                                  Patch is shit

                                  Hatsune Miku



                                      learn to lead

                                      Guess who

                                        learn to lead

                                        FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE OR I WILL MAKE YOU ONE!


                                          I like how u left just enough information to tell that u won all those games. Would be embarrassing if u lost a 3k game now wouldn't it?

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            it's already said, but the most reliable way to close out games is probably picking sven, stacking ancients and having such an advantage that nobody can ever kill you again, I've only had a few games where I have suceeded in doing that, more often than I have trouble farming like a 5k player (no shit, because I AM 3k), and second because even if you go through with this your team might not strategize around it properly. The way to do it as a 5k+ player is probably just farming as best as you can and then forcing objectives and pinging like a maniac, with sven's innate farming ability, tankiness (especially underestimated warcry) and push capability with ult, nobody can defend against you unless their whole team is composed of magical counter push or some dumb shit like that.


                                              Split push all the time xD

                                              casual gamer

                                                jacked i almost lost a game lul. they picked all pushers (np, vs) built 4 necro 3s and raxxed us at 20 mins


                                                  That level of coordination in a 3k pub? What?

                                                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                    Sven is garbage.
                                                    Since you read pd you probably saw what swiftending said about him:that hero has garbage lane presence and depends on his supports to win the lane for him
                                                    Sure your gna end games fast for those that you win, but I gladly take 100% winrate slark over 80% sven

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      if i can dumpster mid with morph i prob can with sven as well


                                                        quit DOTO

                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                          Morphing mid snowball is way stronger than sven I don't see how those two are comparable

                                                          M U R D E R

                                                            Jacked, 3k is pretty much miles ahead of 2k so dont trashtalk higher mmrs