General Discussion

General Discussionslark questions

slark questions in General Discussion

    After level 6 in lane should you harass enemy offlaner with dark pact? I know you can trade hits but is it worth it to dark pact. Because if you dark pact they'll get down to like half hp with a few hits and they'll back off, but a few hits they'll be on like 3/4 they won't be too scared, and if there's an opportunity to kill them you can easily do so. Same thing with morphling and waveform.

    mentally handicapped

      not worth it for the sole purpose of harassing enemy offlaner, takes too much of your mana. better save that for waveclear/killing the hard camp after waveclearing

      dark pact regen at level 6 is slow, considering that youd be tanking enemy creeps + dark pact backlash + offlaner's own right clicks would not put you at an advantageous spot as a carry. you wont be able to utilise the passsive aspect of your ult because you have to be actively farming anything, be it the things at hard camp or the lane. you dont have time to sit around. need that sb asap so you can solo kill a support or something

      at best youd be at half hp, and that means others might come and smoke gank you. level 6 your pounce is still at one skillpoint, cd is too long to be used effectively as an escape mechanism

      just stick to normal right clicking. the only time right clicking will be unfavorable would be vs an am or an ursa, even the ursa is manageable if you bought a lot of regen. you cant clarity as a melee hero in lane, thatll just get cancelled. mango is not good because you are slot starved even early on, you are supposed to have talon pms aquila treads tp and regen in the laning stage

      just my 2 cents

      mentally handicapped

        idk about morph tho


          Once I hit level 6 I usually walk into the lane and pact down the creep wave ASAP. If the offlaner is stupid enough to stand there while you do this ofc I'll hit him with it.

          Morphling is similar, once I have my regen items I will want to clear the wave as fast as possible. If the offlaner stands near the creeps I'll wave through them and onto his face, assuming he won't fuck me up in return.
