General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal Skill vs HS/VHS Experiment

Normal Skill vs HS/VHS Experiment in General Discussion

    I'll need some 1k/2k (depends on what we get 5 of first) and then if we can find 5 other 3k or 4 -5ks+ (I'd be willing to be that one 4k) we can for sure make a lobby. If you're interested, post here with this format:

    Servers you have <120 ping in:

    Your MMR:

    Your time zone:


    •Return by Cringe; EUW, EUE, Russia, 3.3k, UTC +1

    •edictzero, usw/use, 2.3k, utc-8 (Captain?)

    •Brodi, sea, 3.1k, utc+8 (Captain?)

    •M(Y)M.$ad!sT™, 3.3 k, utc+8

    Team 1:

    Team 2:


    -MMR will be verified
    -If multiple players want to be a captain, there will be a best of competition using.. tic tac toe? Rock paper scissors? :D


      This has been done before D:


        Yeah, but it's being done again because it will be fun to see


          You suck

          casual gamer

            i cant participate you fuck boy

            casual gamer

              i would like to see 3-4 5k players against 5 2-3k players

              disgusting weebs

                yo dude everybody gets it 4ks wipe the floor with 2-3ks u can stop creating dumb threads now


                  put 2 4ks with 3 1ks against 3 2ks and 2 3ks

                  that could be fun to watch.

                  since i know 4ks that feed in 2k XD


                    U mad bro?


                      JDF8 there's not really enough 5K's for it to happen but fine, I've updated my OP. You can try to volunteer but finding 5 5K+ to be available won't happen lol


                        put 2 4ks with 3 1ks against 3 2ks and 2 3ks
                        that could be fun to watch.
                        since i know 4ks that feed in 2k XD

                        Yeah that sounds like it'd be fun too, but no one has volunteered yet at all. It doesn't have to just be 5 1k vs 5 3k type thing, I'll make do with what I've got.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Servers you have <120 ping in: EUW, EUE, Russia
                          Your MMR: 3.3k
                          Your time zone: UTC +1

                          I participated in two 3k vs 2k matches before, it was hilarious, but the 2k team had one guy who wasn't even 2k or something so it was slightly unfair (but still showed that MMR fucking matters).


                            what the fuck is this?


                              Can you fucking read or not?



                                let me be captain of the retard team :P

                                disgusting weebs

                                  i can't tell if op went too far with being a fat troll or is just borderline retarded


                                    Yo legendary russian kid, go back to getting your ass beat in 3k and fuck off of my thread bro THANKS!!


                                      let me be captain of the retard team :p

                                      Luis Miguel joven

                                        who can play my tbd games +4k ? id: 378386263


                                          The higher skill team has to random


                                            jacked you should attend


                                              Nah I shouldn't. Because I'm improving too fast. Probably play like a 3.8k player now would skew the results and embarrass the 5ks if we somehow win.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                The only thing that matters is the current number

                                                I played on the 3k team despite being exactly 3.0 and I had good impact (not hard against people who are 2k tho).

                                                Besides, if you played like a 3.8k player you'd have higher winrate lately, because you play at zero MMR, against people who have no fucking idea how to click heroes (I know because I raised from 1.1k to 3.0k with 80%+ winrate).


                                                  Im joining the 2ks for a cuckin good time kappa


                                                    i am 3k but i have a losing streak maybe my skill is 2k now can i join 2k team, i dont want make my team lose


                                                      If I asked every1 to predick my mmr they would all say 3.8 because I play like 3.8. So current mmr would be irrelevant. If u want true 1/2ks ask bws and Alice and haffy

                                                      disgusting weebs

                                                        hello retard it seems u're unable to put some things into perspective so let me do that for u
                                                        u are low-mid 4k and u're so insecure about it(because this is a garbage rating) that u create multiple "experiment" threads to foster ur ego by repeating the well-known fact that 4ks are better than 3ks and 2ks(genius level conlusion LMAO) and it's fucking pathetic, no other 4k on this forum does that
                                                        not me(u don't have to be a genius to tell this is not a legit acc)
                                                        not arin
                                                        fuck not even benao and blunt who are fucking huge ego maniacs

                                                        so how about u spend that time on reaching 5k(though I suppose u'd need another 6500 games to do that ROFL how do ppl play 4.5 ranked matches and still stay 4k) instead of creating useless threads and jerking off ur epeen



                                                          Let me plaaaaaaayyyyyyy :O
                                                          3.3 k utc+8
                                                          Anything will do just wanna try a game with 4 k.


                                                            can confirm I'm true 2k scrub

                                                            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                              Mmr: 322
                                                              Time zone: gmt +8




                                                                  put me on the 2k squad, its where i belong.


                                                                    @OP I'm glad that you read my reply and happy that it given you idea to make something like this! :-)

                                                                    In-house DB games are always ton of fun to play for sure. Only thing you need to worry is different servers cause not everyone will be able to play with everybody..

                                                                    I think I'll be spectating this time so good luck with making teams and enjoy the games guys :-D




                                                                        Legendary russian, somehow I'm an ego maniac just because lots of people in this forum are below VHS so I tried to help them? You sound a lot like an SJW that's trying to find reasons to get butthurt :-)

                                                                        Anyways, I never said I was a professional player. I always stayed humble and understood my own place in the dota world, yeah I'm 4k, yeah 5k's are much better than me, yeah I'm only competent or whatever. That's fine, but at least I can give tips to people below me, I still have some value there, and what I do have to give I do. If for some reason that bothers you, I just have to ask why. Maybe you are the insecure one inflecting onto me?

                                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                                          how is playing 1-2 2k randoms vs 4k randoms games helping the former

                                                                          if u don't know what'll happen with 95+% chance then again i'll tell u
                                                                          the lower team will get wiped in 30 mins tops and learn nothing because they'll just get outplayed in every single situation and the only thing they will conclude is "welp, we got outplayed, ty that was very helpful xD"

                                                                          if u wanna help ppl the just do what cookie and pretty much every dota coach does - analyze some replays/live games of a particular player
                                                                          that works because u can give precise advice on what did they do wrong and how could have they avoided that
                                                                          rather than writing extremely generalized walls of "advice"(which are very similar in nature to textdoto 2k wisdom walls of text that get NS players flamed on this forum) or creating dumb "experiment" threads that prove what has already been proven 5674629342 times


                                                                            how is playing 1-2 2k randoms vs 4k randoms games helping the former
                                                                            if u don't know what'll happen with 95+% chance then again i'll tell u

                                                                            Yes, chances are very high the 4ks will win. It's for fun and it's for 4ks to play against 2ks and for 2ks to play against 4ks, both are interested in this and it's purely for fun, but also for a modern experiment--new meta, new heroes. But mainly it's for fun, just like an amateur baseball team would LOVE to play vs a team of professionals, it's interesting even though you know you will get your ass beat.

                                                                            if u wanna help ppl the just do what cookie and pretty much every dota coach does - analyze some replays/live games of a particular player
                                                                            that works because u can give precise advice on what did they do wrong and how could have they avoided that
                                                                            rather than writing extremely generalized walls of "advice"(which are very similar in nature to textdoto 2k wisdom walls of text that get NS players flamed on this forum)

                                                                            I feel like this thread was pretty well received by everybody and has legitimately good advice:

                                                                            This is one post that I could find where I gave advice, there are many more but I don't have time right now for that:

                                                                            I've analyzed countless games that people have posted, and pointed out their mistakes and how they could improve. But you look at 1 - 2 days of 1 or 2 posts and you get all worked up about some threads that I made for fun. What's so annoying to you about getting separate skill levels to play with other skill levels?

                                                                            creating dumb "experiment" threads that prove what has already been proven 5674629342 times

                                                                            Yet there are always going to be people that can't and haven't seen the skill difference. I don't know the difference between an amateur baseball player and a great baseball player, however I would still be very interested to see the difference between someone who has tried to perfect his craft and someone who has nearly done so. That's all there is to it. It's interesting. If you don't find it interesting yourself, that's fine. But don't pretend that everyone shares your pointless perspective, you're literally the only asshole here that finds an issue with any of these threads.

                                                                            Look for attention elsewhere please.

                                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                                              Lmao i wanna dumpster ns kids with techies


                                                                                up we go


                                                                                  @Soy el hefe de los jefes can you guess what will i calibrate ?


                                                                                      These videos seem good, and altho the caster in the first one seems actually pretty annoying he is trying his best to cast.
                                                                                      The second video is the "casting" of some wannabe pro's who wouldn't know skill if it hit them right in the face.
                                                                                      Like the point at 15:30 where he said that he wants to kill himself because slark did level dark pact.
                                                                                      He is playing against 3 stunner and 2 disarmer and I don't see it very likely for him to just run into sven + oracle to get of a few right clicks and use those +agilty in the next 15 seconds. Also svens stun is pretty easy to dodge with dark pact, I really don't know what those fools are talking about.
                                                                                      I mean you can see that the slark sucks donkey balls, but for gods sake point out the things he is doing false and not the ones that are no errors at all.
                                                                                      The community is so damn toxic it is almost tragic.

                                                                                      Edit: fixed time stamp


                                                                                        @67 yeah I know there's like 30K but I was referring to in general especially on dotabuff forums. There's not a lot of 5ks on these forums, hell even 4ks. If you could get your 5k friends that'd be great--maybe a 4k vs 5k?