General Discussion

General DiscussionArc warden vs medusa vs spectre

Arc warden vs medusa vs spectre in General Discussion

    Considering all of these are 6 slotted, do you think aw has any chance of beating these heroes?
    If faced up against any or both of these what items would you guys recommend i make on aw. And lastly is going manta diffusal on aw after maelstrom dragon lance good against a medusa so i can burn her mana really fast after she uses her ult that is. :)




        You think 6 slotted dusa or spec has a chance to beat an arc lul

        Jk, maybe

        It realy depends on the items

        Ck example would destroy arc 1v1

        But in reality chasing a carry is your last priority as arc im a teamfite


          Spec or arc
          But it all depends on hero compositions and the players themselves


            What I'm confused is that how should i itemize against these heroes, like should i make a scythe so i can keep them disabled along with the bloodthorn or maybe i should make an mkb for heavy dps.


              Cookie can you please confirm this
              against spec = SE maybe? hex is fine I think, manta isn't efficient but it disables desolate, thought that arc isn't a good manta carrier tho
              against medusa = diffusal is enough, rest depends on your positioning


                It really depends on her teammates, spec shpuld mever be targeted in a fight first, kill her last.

                Never manta on arc

                Hex is best counter for both

                the end justifies the means

                  it really depends on the situation, timing, itemization...

                  but what do i know im just a 1k normal skill player

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Arc warden will murder any hero 1v1 considering he's 6 slotted since there are fucktons of items he can get to counter any hero imaginable.

                    The downside is that if he is initiated on and disabled, he'll just die. AW can kill a 7 slotted spec/dusa/ck/whatever if he initiates on them, because his DPS and disable capability are INSANE. But likewise, if he is initiated on or positions badly in a teamfight, he'll just fucking die, unlike medusa that you can play with half a brain, survive and dish out consistent but slower damage. Depending on your positioning with AW and how you utilize your skills, you can be the best lategame teamfight/1v1/ganking carry in the game, or fail miserably, which are traits pretty much opposite of dusa and spectre.

                    I tried playing AW a few times, and it is so exhausting and hard to do everything right (but you have to) that it's way too frustrating for me. He's the best hero in the game if you can maximize his potential, and the worst one if you can't do shit right.

                    Granted, you can win in 3k by playing him at 5% of the hero's capacity, but it's just an uneasy feeling.


                      I see arc as a higher skillcap meepo

                      the end justifies the means

                        just pls stop bws ur 2 noisy peenoise putanginamobobo

                        BSJ. LGD

                          Spec wins easily because spec always initiates first no shit right


                            spectre shits on farmed warden 1v1


                              Spectre > medusa > arc

                              (Thats my 3k opinion so if you dissagree just move on)


                                like return by cringe said, who initates first kills the others.

                                but it'd be stupid for these heroes to go onto eachother as killing one another takes too long and would result in a lost 5v5 fight


                                  Arc warden is a glass canon not a hard carry.


                                    He has similar tankiness as drow-10 armor.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      They all have really different role and timings, the question is not really realistic. If you pick arc you want to out farm them massively and end game or have a huge advantage late game. You shouldn't be facing 6 slotted medusa's or spectres. If you pick medusa you want to farm a lot, possibly avoid team fights or avoid them when ult is down until you can tank, and then you hope your team has some complimentary burst or single target dmg since you're all spread dmg. If you are spectre you want to fight non stop whenever ult is up to snowball and late game kill all the supports with 1 ult and turn the tide of team fights.


                                        Arc warden has so many options that to compare him to other heroes matchup wise is a bit futile. If arcwarden wants to initiate blink or sb is an option. If he wants disable he can get it. If he needs dmg he can buy it. There almost isnt an item thats bad on him, tho many r better than others. Aw can easily kill dusa if he has say hex, diffusal, blink, mjollnir. Maybe even necro or manta cud be bought tho im not sure if u wud need it. Did dusa buy butterfly, u can get bloodthorn, did dusa buy linkens u can break with hurricane pike. Aw is just so fucking versatile.


                                          Aw is not as versatile as you think, it's like invoker, people is starting to figure a better build, you pretty get the same shit every game, only one or 2 items different.


                                            In 1 vs 1 fights, Arc will probably Kill both Dusa and Spectre.
                                            With Hex + diffusal +other carry items he can kill medusa before she gets off her ult or at least burn enough mana that she cant ult.
                                            With a Silver's Edge + Carry items he can probably beat spec 1 vs 1 as well. he already semi-counters her because his double makes sure she wont have desolate in a fight against him. (No need for him to get manta)

                                            The thing is, Dota isn't a 1 vs 1 fight. Medusa and Spectre are considered strong late game for 2 reasons. Firstly its because they dish out huge damage to multiple enemies making them amazing in teamfights. A farmed Spec/Dusa can almost solo win teamfights late game. Secondly, both are tanky and its almost impossible to burst them down before their team can interfere. Sure arc and his double could blink/Silvers edge up to Spec/Dusa and hex them, but he wont be able to kill either before their team can react. They aren't like a Drow who can be blown up in under a second.

                                            Arc is not tanky. If he gets disabled he can very likely die before his team can come help him. That's the main reason Dusa and Spec have an advantage late game. They may not dish out insane amounts of Single-target damage, but they aren't something you can easily get rid of.

                                            TL;DR: Arc can win 1 vs 1 against Spec/Dusa, but Spec/Dusa are more likely to win the game because they're not going to die easily.


                                              I know arc builds r being refined. The point is that there r still a shit tom of situational items that fit aw, and can be bought depending on circumstance.


                                                If dusa and spec gets bkb arc cant do shit. Dusa is one of the hardest carries in the game. Few heros can counter her. Arc was op back before 6.86 with unstoppble pushes. But right now hes a useless trash tier hero. Plus he farm slow af. He cant get all items he want right in time and even if he gets 6 slotted he cant do anything late game tbh. Plus hes even harder than meepo. Hes just a support - semi carry - pusher that other heros do his job better than him.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  But right now hes a useless trash tier hero.

                                                  why don't you at least hit 1200 MMR before talking

                                                  please and thank you, you're retarded, you have negative winrate at low 1k, what you said makes no sense, hero is as OP as you're stupid and that means he is very OP


                                                    Heros who dont have stable item build like jugg and arc are shit heros. Thats the rule of dota. Think about sven. Alch, slark, od even morph. They all have a go to item build and they are strong. Meanwhile there are bunch of heros that no item works on them. They are bad heros.

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      no, you're ret@rded because you do not understand that you are basing your opinion on what you see in the m0ngoloid bracket

                                                      let me draw you a picture because you're having trouble understanding complex things like words

                                                      see, this hero stops being $hit once people know how to play dota, which you don't, so please don't spread your c@ncerous low 1k ideas please it's so cringe inducing I just might revert to the latest savepoint through Return by Crin...

                                                      why the fuck do you even post if you cannot even play the fucking game

                                                      also jugg and aw are not shit heroes because they don't have a "stable build", but versatile, sven is a good hero but his versatility is very low because he needs very specific things, where heroes like juggernaut can build whatever fits the game more because their kit has more things to offer by default


                                                        4head 4head
                                                        ^Idk why the fuck random shitstans keeps responding to my shit.
                                                        look, im not talking to u. Ok? Dont fucking respond to my posts. Im not arguing with u. And wtf u talking about. Why u insaulting me over a dota comment. Thats bullshit. Get a life u loser motherfuxka.


                                                          I dont want anyone talk shit under my post. Pls do a favor and dont responde . Shit just triggers me. I cant stand this kind of behavor.

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            "Idk why the fuck random shitstans keeps responding to my shit. "

                                                            because it's a forum?

                                                            "look, im not talking to u. Ok? Dont fucking respond to my posts. Im not arguing with u."

                                                            you're right, you are not arguing with me, because you need to make an argument, instead of that, I am just explaining to you why you're wrong, and people who are so sure of themselves and post completely incorrect crap trigger me a fuckton

                                                            "And wtf u talking about. Why u insaulting me over a dota comment. Thats bullshit. Get a life u loser motherfuxka."

                                                            ...said the guy who got worked up over a comment in the same exact way. Welp.

                                                            "I dont want anyone talk shit under my post. Pls do a favor and dont responde . Shit just triggers me. I cant stop this behavor."

                                                            then don't write shit that asks for it D:

                                                            we actually had comments that were on subject in this thread, and you derailed it when you started talking about shit that has nothing to do with reality, I corrected you and now I am getting shit for it, well that's life I guess.

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              why do people think jug is a bad hero lol

                                                              oh yeah in his bracket people go aghs -> bfury -> deso on jug lolz


                                                                Look i dunno why we should treat each other like this. I mean your posts are just really bad and insaulting. It just pisses me off. you should be nicer and friendlier since u dont know me. Why u have to bullshit me like that. I dont get it!!!


                                                                  fight me


                                                                    This shit is str8 up cancer


                                                                      arc warden shits on spec and dusa

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        I am not nice to people who openly and without any humility state shit they have absolutely no fucking idea about. I hate people who sell snake oil in form of medical "supplements", I hate people who bullshit about chakras and shit like that to take others' money, I hate people who talk about IT if they have no fucking idea about it, and lastly, I hate it when people talk about dota, and about some things in particular that they have no idea about

                                                                        like, when I don't know something, I will actually ask 5k+ people for opinions because I have an understanding of not having sufficient understanding of dota to be able to tell some things, but what I have learned from 5k+ guys streaming AW gameplay is that the hero is absolutely op, 5k+ people on the forums confirm that, and it's obvious that the hero is, in fact, op in good hands

                                                                        now, on the other hand, your way of acquiring information about how shit goes in dota is playing in 1k and thinking what you are playing is dota when it really fucking isn't, and then you post your unfounded opinion on a forum where a huge majority of people is way better than you, and you do not propose a discussion, you make positive statements that are completely, utterly wrong

                                                                        The reality is, that if I say something really stupid and someone much better corrects me, I can't talk back, because I will realize that I am wrong (unless it's some specific technical thing that I happen to know, but isn't particularly relevant).

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          why is this trash amigo normal skill filth responding.


                                                                            ^agreed, +++

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              he might actually be trolling as well, but since it's impossible to tell (since there really are people that stupid), I will just take it that he's being serious and is actually arrested in development

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                No, he is legit 1k dogshit player.

                                                                                meaning he has....

                                                                                A U T I S M

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  well, probably

                                                                                  I played ranked all over from 1k to 3.3k and I can say that there are things in 1k that ordinary people would not believe, like supports helping you last hit by autoattacking creeps and similar things, it's incredible, it is not just that people there are bad at dota, usually they also lack basic logic because if they did not, they'd understand that what they are doing does not work

                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    exacly, hence this retard normal skill autistic dogshit player is actually serious. He has no idea what the fuck is going on. In his world riki is the most powerful shit on this planet.


                                                                                      Look cringe i didnt talk back. I wrote 2 posts. By the time i was wrting the second one u post your comment and i wasnt aware of that. I didnt defend my statement. I just said that u could be polite and kind.

                                                                                      Btw Lmao nice laugh till here. Keep going boys. Shit is funny

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        oh no, the 1k memer wants us to be nice while he posts dogshit posts noone wants to read and tells everyone that he doesn't give a fuck.

                                                                                        nice read 10/10

                                                                                        Subhuman dogshit trash.


                                                                                          I said something stpuid and thats what u said:
                                                                                          "why don't you at least hit 1200 MMR before talking
                                                                                          please and thank you, you're retarded, you have negative winrate at low 1k, what you said makes no sense, hero is as OP as you're stupid and that means he is very OP"

                                                                                          Is it the right way to tell someone hes wrong?


                                                                                            And then again some random guy keep shit posting. That happens a lot in dotabuff

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              Oh boy, careful boys the subhuman animal is learning.


                                                                                                Its 4 am here. Well trolled

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  I am serious, you are subhuman filth.

                                                                                                  You are literally A U T I S T I C and think you know something about a game you're so fucking shit at it's hilarious. Only subhuman animals can play dota and stay in 1k.

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    "Is it the right way to tell someone hes wrong?"

                                                                                                    no, but you also didn't deserve to be treated right, you scum of the earth


                                                                                                      "grabs popcorn"


                                                                                                        I agree that this man is clinically retarded, but i am a <1k shitter so stop making fun of my people. Im falling into crippling depression.