General Discussion

General DiscussionNazis in games

Nazis in games in General Discussion


    just had a game with a guy named cskajeka 14/88, he also has a dotabuff account. If you didnt know, 14/88 is a code used by nazis. 14 Stands for the 14 Words, a racist pamphlet, 88 stands for "Heil Hitler".

    Call me easily offended, but i am not able to offer teamwork for a person who glorifies things like the Holocaust, where 6 Million People got murdered cruelly, mostly, but not entirely because of ancestry.

    So i threw the game from the get-go, left spectre alone against clinkz + tide (2.5k mmr) in the lane, supported everyone else, never helped him in the teamfights. My team understood, spectre was raging and confirming that he indeed is a nazi. And the rest of my team did not flame me for that.

    Normally, if i see a "nazi-name" in the loading screen i immediaty dodge the game, but this time i did not see it in time.

    Do you guys care about something like that? Or am I the only one?

    If anyone cares: I am not a communist, even though im liberal. If u have vastly different opinions than me i probably wont pay for your beer in a bar, but we probably go along. But this is different. I have experience with nazis, i got threaten by one with a gun (even though i dont know if it was real or not) a few years back, my brother was attacked with a knife once. Refugees got murdered, hunted and beaten up here, even kids. Im a decent humand beeing, i care about this stuff.

    Have a nice day.


      Laugh my ass off
      a big azz K for your liberal ass

      Merky Chumpis

        Most times names are just to get a reaction about of people, doesnt make it right but try not to give into them just mute and move on. Also at first i thought you were gonna talk about the grammer variants, in dota or even most places of the internet it shouldnt hold as much weight, should be casual and relaxed. Idgaf


          just report


            Everyone gets abused in Dota 2, I'm not quite sure why Dota has the worst community, but as someone said above, mute and carry on.


              Honestly, the amount of shit in Dota helps make you a much more relaxed person in real life.

              mentally handicapped

                T R I G G E R E D


                  The more you know...


                    Meanwhile, some refugees are out there robbing and murdering too...

                    Luis Miguel joven

                      ^ and a lot of non refugees abusing with weapons, killing and voting nazi presidents

                      Your Wife's Boyfriend

                        To be offended is a choice, ppl are free to believe in anything they want. 14/88 is not even a nazi only thing and even if it was u are going to see more of that on the internet and that is not going to change. And how is this a dotabuff issue? I mean its a steam nickname. I don't support nazis or their beliefs but no one in his right mind is going to ban him for having an 88 in his nickname, sry.


                          *Holohoax, Haven't the juden merkel paid you enough hundred thousands of euros and gave you a teddy bear?
                          Stop crying

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I don't give two craps

                            I am more offended by people playing like shit than whatever their fucking internet alias is

                            lm ao

                              Nice shitpost, alt-righter

                              lm ao
                                lm ao

                                    here we go xD


                                      I get it, ppl like to make memes out of Hitler, still not appreciated. Also that username was/is quite offensive.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ^it is not offensive if you don't get offended

                                        if you have a spine of a microorganism, though, that's understandable

                                        jesus people are way too fucking sensitive in 2016


                                          Usually these kind of people are not loved by their parents. Might be a victim of child abuse.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^omfg rofl that's offensive, you are talking about a sensitive subject, mods ban pls

                                            Welt aus Eis

                                              Hello dotabuff admins,

                                              OP has quoted some nazi phrases without censoring them. I am extremely offended by that and I think you should edit or delete his post ASAP. It's a disgrace that such behavior is overlooked by the staff.

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                Ayy lmao, being so much of a bitch that you're triggered by numbers.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  there are 88 reasons not to care


                                                    2 of dogolino comments deleted. RIOT
                                                    (つ・・)つ¤=[]:::::::> beware foul moderino the knights
                                                    (つ・・)つ¤=[]:::::::> of spammerino have arrived


                                                      Oy vey, shut it down.


                                                        i agree wholeheartedly

                                                        mentally handicapped

                                                          bans in 5 minutes, tops lmao

                                                          mentally handicapped
                                                            mentally handicapped

                                                              skim, before you judge, read this please


                                                              mentally handicapped

                                                                then tell me how that is offensive

                                                                  Bosnian Blade

                                                                    one ques.?
                                                                    where is the highest conce. of jews?
                                                                    in the air :-)

                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                      Jainism appreciation thread


                                                                      < blank >

                                                                        sano out of ban-land


                                                                          I just insta mute report them and make sure I put racist in the comment box.

                                                                          They are most likely just naive kids who don't understand how incredibly offensive that sort of thing is.

                                                                          if you think that sort of thing is funny or cool you are just immature and will cringe at yourself when you are older.


                                                                            More importantly, can you not make jokes about the nazis? My grandfather died in a concentration camp.

                                                                            He fell out of a guard tower.

                                                                            It's ok, I've called a taxi already...


                                                                                  that's pathetic m8.

                                                                                  people are free to express their freedom of speech. you're actually a hypocrite.

                                                                                  chances are very high he's just a troll anyways.


                                                                                    The claim, that we are to sensitive today, shows that things change. People speak up, say something against discrimination. They get called triggered, but know everyone sees that discriminating speech does not go without resistance, hence reducing it. proven by studies.

                                                                                    If you try to trigger me, doesnt work. I know you are young. And if not, i pity you. Likewise, i wont cooperate with you though.

                                                                                    PS: Im not a troll, this was a legitamate question. Am I the only one who does not play with nazis. And if you tell me its hypocritical to not accept an ideologie which does not care about freedom of speech, im kinda baffled.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Highway, dip in traffic
                                                                                        2 gears, automatic
                                                                                        Leave the strip club tragic
                                                                                        2 broads going at it (It's lit!)
                                                                                        Me and Jacques going brazy
                                                                                        Me and Chase going brazy (Straight up!)
                                                                                        Smashin' off your old lady (Yeah!)
                                                                                        Everythin' all gravy (Yeah!)
                                                                                        Coordinate the tan in the beans in my Rockstar skinnies (It's lit!)
                                                                                        Pour a little more if you really wanna feel it (Straight up!)
                                                                                        Foreign little broad and I really wanna hit it
                                                                                        I'ma take her to the back and RAH RAH RAH


                                                                                          Try to find what USA did past 20years.But its all good in tv they said its war with terrorists...

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            Yeah, USArians bombed my country for no fucking reason, but let's get offended by nazis mmkay

                                                                                            I really don't give a fuck though honestly, and I think nobody can without being a huge hypocrite.


                                                                                              Locking this thread since it clearly derailed.

                                                                                              EDIT: Nazi imagery will remain an offense to the Code of Conduct and will be punished accordingly. Even if it was used way before the nazi regime used it.
