General Discussion

General DiscussionIf trump wins

If trump wins in General Discussion

    I believe the term you used is "you fucking retard " am I correct?

    I strongly suggest you to stop posting, not because you cant prove your point in a mature way (which ofc you cant it seems) but because you are making yourself look bad.

    Uneducated (in this context where I could have used maybe even better the term "ignorant") is a remark used to state that you should educate/inform yourself better when you try to express a point or you should simply document yourself better (from other sources?).

    saying "you fucking retard " is plain offensive and unneeded.
    No matter how much you sugarcoat it, you probably got that much offended by what I stated that you felt the need to rage by using slurs.

    Once again, I was there, and no, nobody was raping our woman, I mean, that has nothing to do with NATO/US Bombing our nation .
    In truth you should focus more on your "garden" and your own countries problems since you got your own criminals to deal with. Im sure Serbia (like really any other country, check Syria asking Russian support and not American) will be fine on its own and will ask support if its needed.

    I hope Trump does exactly that, deal with his own countries problem, that is why I am glad he got elected.
    Then ofc, the future will show what he plans to do.


      ok meme time:


        Bad luck brian

        Goes to first international tournament dota 2.

        gets deported for being asian

        Bosnian Blade

          go go Trump
          oil dropped below 46 $ for barrel
          10x Trump

          doc joferlyn simp

            good thread

            La Lumière

              Lol you are such a hypocrite bro. "Not because you can't prove your point in a mature way (which ofc it can't it seems)" is literally offending me. (Telling me basically that I can't write this in a formal way) Yet, you tell me I use offensive words. Alright here mate since I have to give more links
              Look at the first definition. I'm sorry for offending with a music term.

              "Raging." Umm nice mature words you are using.

              Raping women in Serbia DOES have to deal with NATO/the bombings because that was one reason why the militant groups in Serbia had to be stopped. Like seriously, I really feel like you aren't actually from Serbia. And America just wanted to help. I mean it's over now eh? It probably would still be going to this day.

              Sorry if I came off offensive. But please look up some things before you exclaim them on a site like this. And you didn't answer my question. If Bill Clinton is a criminal, why isn't he in jail????



                  guy who said the election was rigged wins even though he got less votes

                  D the Superior

                      Calm down guys. Let's wait and see what happens. Mexico has said they will not pay for the wall. LUL


                        Trump won. Lol, if anything, the only certain thing about that result is that we'll have memes for a very long time. Let's see what he does once he starts.


                          Violating airspace
                          Fucking Greece and Turkey do it to each other on a regular basis
                          >Implying it happens rarely


                            Cant argue with someone who uses "fucking retard" and tries to justify it as an acceptable remark lol.

                            As Magnus said, there no reason to bother, it's all written here for the pleasure of everyone to see, you can think what you want of yourself, the others I'm sure have their own opinion as well.

                            He basically wants to tell me what is going in my own country while I was being there :)))))


                              it's only democracy if hillary wins
