General Discussion

General Discussiondiffusal instead of euls on storm

diffusal instead of euls on storm in General Discussion
casual gamer

    as a second item against silencer / orchid + ghost scepters

    viable at all or completely retarded as it sounds

    one syllable anglo-saxon


      casual gamer

        because it accomplishes the same task of purging silences with a much lower cd, gives you better chase without burning a fuckton of mana to proc overload and actually gives u decent damage

        its probably retarded but the thought just occured to me

        edit: euls active also costs a fuckton of mana now thanks icefraud you couldnt have just nerfed lina/lesh and left euls alone


          useful stats against useless stats
          also euls breaks tps which is kinda useful


            you crazy? storm spirit can just orchid them and he needs lots of mana but its good if storm spirit is a right clicker, no ult and theres always silence.

            I got like 18-10 as storm spirit a bit slow linken sphere because of silencer ruining my ganking.


              I don't think diffu blade is the answer. That being said I'm no storm player and I've seen plenty of Storm players go in, get silenced, eul themselves in the middle of the fight only to set themselves up for the easiest chain stun of the other team's life.

              Hatsune Miku

                lotus orb or guardian greaves kappa

                Président® Salted Butter

                  Guardian greaves Storm Spirit, here I come

                  Dire Wolf

                    why not bkb?


                      euls also gives u movespeed and shit ton of mana regen


                        I wudnt euls on storm. It defeats the purpose of having such a mobile hero to make him stationary for 2.5 seconds, when lotus orb or bkb achieve the same purpose. Against ghost scepters it sounds interesting tho. I wud only get it if u need to diffuse something off the enemy, but im an ns scrub so who knows


                          You don't really want to go bkb early on Storm, it does absolutely nothing for your int/mana for 4k gold, and it will mean in lategame you will have a 5 second bkb which is fairly shit on a hero that wants to scale to lategame.


                            Bkb is not for early game


                              diffusal sounds reasonable if you want a somewhat early dispel. maybe 2nd to lotus orb since lotus utility is a bit more useful.

                              STE 8-1-8

                                Storm needs mana regen and he has low movement speed, euls fixes that, it's not a core item but it can be a useful one. mana Regen is the only thing storm cares about tbh.

                                The only reason you should get diffusal is if the enemy last picked omni?

                                casual gamer

                                  you dont get euls for the ms and the mana regen is a minor benefit, the only reason you ever get that item is for the silence dispel

                                  here lemme list it out for u gate 818

                                  diffusal :
                                  cost: 3150/3850
                                  instant silence dispel / ranged slow: 4s cd (16 charges only)
                                  50/55 damage, 40 manaburn
                                  10/15 int
                                  25/35 attack speed, 3.5/5 armor

                                  silence dispel:23 second cd, 175 mana cost!!, disables you for 2.5 seconds. can disable enemy heroes
                                  10 int ( = 10 damage)
                                  40 ms
                                  150% mana regen

                                  ms is less than necessary on storm, unless ur walking away while silenced because you got silenced twice within 23 seconds

                                  is mana regen better than damage on storm? it's debatable IMO, especially since you already have bloodstone. maybe the 4s dispel will save ur life, thus giving u more mana regen @_@


                                    Ye but lotus orb does that and is a deterrent for future disables, plus it gives armor and mana regen.


                                      Just no dmg tho and is purely defensive.

                                      casual gamer

                                        do people actually buy lotus on storm that seems awful


                                          Think u just figured out that diffusal is broken. Ppl building on every hero. More nerfs coming from ice frog


                                            Tbh i wud much rather have a bkb on storm, but hey lotus orb makes it so if they try to stun u they get stunned so voila, they cant hit u while ur stunned then u ball away ez. Tbh i think diffusal actually may be better. Bkb is the best tho.

                                            casual gamer

                                              i just died in a game 4-5 times because they had silencer drow pudge and orchid NP and when i eulsed i either got silenced after or dismembered rofl


                                                Euls, linken, bkb, greaves, lotus and diffusal is the anti-storm silence build