General Discussion

General DiscussionMagnus pick rates in 5K+

Magnus pick rates in 5K+ in General Discussion

    Why is there increase in pick rates of Magnus in 5K+ plus??
    Dendi playing a lot of Magnus now.


      Ar1se wannabe

      Livin' Real Good

        Reverse Polarity


          Rp is op. Gonna need to nerf that soon


            I think Mag right now is very underrated as a hero, ofc I say this as an AM picker but if you get a melee carry+mag it is generally easy to play and actually very hard to play against. In fact I even had a game where some 4k played mag support and just ran around empowering me and stacking ancients for 25 minutes and we ended up shitstomping them.


              Dondo taking the % higher all by himself lul


                magnus works well with melee cores, wich are the meta right now

                doc joferlyn simp

                  lmao melee cores

                  meanwhile drow push strats knocking at your t3 by 15 mins, seemsgood




                      Echo sabre made the hero broken

                      Potato Marshal

                        He's got everything, good nuke, good escape, good disable, good durability, good right click (with his empower), good at farming, good at initiating, good at buffing. He's the closest to an all-in-one hero in the game.


                          Ye I noticed that


                            he's not popular in 1k tho


                              why not? mag has 2 broken skills, his empower can give your carry an extreme buff, while his ult can win teamfights. i dont think he is picked often bc imo he is boring to play

                              casual gamer

                                wut hes so fun

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Yeah, all 4 of his spells are insanely good, not a single useless one.

                                  315 move speed, 4 armor, and whatever else.


                                    It's the ideal hero for that mmr range.

                                    Strong spells, can farm with empower, can buff with empower, can have great impact in teamfights. It's one of the most flexible heroes.

                                    If you play it offlane and notice your peruvian/russian safelane is pushing with aquila off or shit like that you know you have to carry that game by yourself. On magnus you're not committed to a specific role and that makes it pub-friendly

                                    casual gamer

                                      honestly ive been carried by so many peruvians