General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout VHS bracket

About VHS bracket in General Discussion
The Quiet Observant Teammate

    Basically my question is simple, and I would like someone that isn't 2k and actually KNOWS and doesn't make up something out of his head as a fact to answer my question.

    I'm currently smurfing on this account, I am a 4,5k player. Basically, all of my games are very high skill and literally everybody that I get matched with is <3k. I can check that by checking their ranked matches. How are they in the very high skill bracket, and doesnt it mean 4kish+ ?
    Thanks for serious answers

    casual gamer

      unrank mmr is separate, the only relationship between the 2 is that they are both determined by skill at dota 2

      doc joferlyn simp

        jacked he wants 1k answers where you at

        doc joferlyn simp

          however i dont see why knowledge regarding match ranking is related to mmr. a guy can know that without being decent at the game


            Unrank mmr and rank mmr are different if u calibrate at 2k and have normal skill normal mm games, when u start owning your normal mm games they will start growing in bracket
            I got a 2k friend with vhs solo and party games in normal mm judt bc he's good at dota but doesnt wanna play rank

            The Quiet Observant Teammate

              oh cool so basically I am condemned to playing with 2-3k players when smurfing? Also it makes it heavily depend on luck whether I will get a good team or not. Most of my games that I lose I just know from min 1 I've lost. I know many people are tilted and shit and say that a lot, but I can accurately predict how 90% of my games will go... I mean it ain't that hard, when you have a jungle luna/troll warlord against a roaming pudge and a support dazzle, it's so obvious that the enemy team just has higher skill, not only in terms of picking but also in generally countering shit plays like jungling if you know what I mean. Basically what I wanna say is, sometimes I end up with that 2-3k team against a full on 4k+ team. And it's so obvious.


                And gj on your invoker mine is cursed i got 30% wr on him doesnt matter if im owning or feeding or avg game I'll lose anyway :D

                The Quiet Observant Teammate

                  Thanks! :) He's definitively my best played hero, I'd say I play him at 5k skill. Although I gotta say on my main account I also have a 45%ish winrate. :)

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    teammate is shit dragging you down man, you are legit 9k material

                    The Quiet Observant Teammate

                      ^nice sarcasm. Although I would like to get an opportunity to git gud. Which is impossible if luck is the determining factor of whether I'm straight up losing a game or not.

                      casual gamer

                        my smurf is matched with 5k players, try winning abt 30 vhs games in a row

                        casual gamer

                          its not hard 99% smurfs are dumpster tier players

                          The Quiet Observant Teammate

                            Dude, it's just impossible. And I'm not overexaggerating. Check my last game for example. A jungle luna, a roaming riki, and two cores that are straight up 2k in VHS bracket. Warlock going hurricane pike. NOTHING even a 9k player could do, when the opponents are playing a normal game with normal picks.


                              u get 3ks and 2ks u know why????
                              not because your smurf
                              but because its unranked normal match and u can get low mmr players to balance the unranked game or not enogh 4k is queing to balance and 2k are queing (1k -3k players are 70 % of dota)


                                i somwtimes get but at open dota it says im currently 4500 mmr


                                  It's actually somehow important to know when smurfs play more I've heard this from others. If u guys know about the timing do tell.

                                  And honestly if u r in a real tryhard mode u can get to 4k easily since u actually seem to be good @ the game at least from how it seems
                                  My lesser success in this acc is a combination of bad net connection and a shitty feeling that gets me every once in a while that holds me back at everything in my life not just dota

                                  casual gamer

                                    just pick slark storm am and 1v9 man, this is simple shit