General Discussion

General DiscussionOgre magi + sand kong dual offlane

Ogre magi + sand kong dual offlane in General Discussion

    What are your thoughts on this cancerous setup?

    It was against a Sven lion. Then dazzle came to help.

    I'm interested in this particular lane because I saw the ogre skip stun the first 2 levels, going for w and e

    And I'm curious af as to why u would do that

    Potato Marshal

      Not sure why he skipped stun in that particular lane since neither SK nor Ogre are good right clickers, but I focused on leveling ignite and bloodlust first before when laning with a Razor against a Dazzle and Huskar offlane. Ignite is a pretty long duration slow, coupled with the movement speed boost from bloodlust makes it very annoying to run away. Fireblast is just awful without multi-cast, terrible cast range, damage, cast time, and only 1.5 seconds of stun.


        Stun is bad lvl 1, I wud take lvl 2 tho. Ignite lvl 1 deals more DMG and can hit multiple heroes. Bloodlust ms and as also helps an ogre get more hits in. Also SK with any hero with any disable is cancer.


          I went ogre mid once and went bottle phase aghs blink octarine. Its legit-ish. Once u get that much in items u can blink on someone and quadruple fireblast em lol. After that I can see ogre transitioning to more right click with ac, or more burst with eblade, but he will probably need at least one big mana regen item like hex or linkens.

          Potato Marshal

            ^Ignite only hits in an aoe with multicast leveled.


              Possible right click ogre builds?


                Super cancerous xD


                  Ignite is in most cases better value than Stun
                  Bloodlust lvl 1 is almost free PT


                    so becausesand king had no stun lvl 1as well (caustic), they basically owned sk pretty hard (they targeted the weakerhero obviously). hedied like 3 times in the first few minutes. im just wonderingwhy u wouldnt skill stun as it would have easily prevented those deaths. if ogre had stun.

                    Potato Marshal

                      Well then they were clearly playing like idiots. If their unconventional builds completely failed, then it's most likely they just don't know how to skill or play their heroes.


                        they still won the game though. ogre was like 7k. rofl i really dont understand high mmr games sometimes.

                        Potato Marshal

                          Do you have a match id?

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Ignite is the first skill I max most of the time.

                            DoT + Slow is very nice and far more effective than a 1 and a half second stun.


                              As an offlane. What does the slow and dot at level 1 do for u to get more out of the lane (at level 1) compared to a stun when 3 heroes rape you with 2 stuns (from Sven n lion).


                                early in lane a long slow is just as good as a short stun, if not better. not that great defensively but lets you get in more dmg offensively before they can get to safety. later on obviously a stun is more useful. also if the slow is long enough they can stun you and you'll still be able to catch up after.