i guess it was not admin's action, the threads here get auto locked when no one replies within 1 month, in order to prevent the necroposting
i was always curious about that. Guess it's really programmed that way and not done manually xD
U don't say an effect happened if it wasn't statistically significant t though ... It's misleading
the original thread has been closed by the administrators, find it here: https://www.dotabuff.com/topics/2016-09-29-iq-test-exclusively-for-dota-players.
The winners have now been selected: The winners are Lalisa♥, Naglaw and a nameless player (5k). Check the website of the test dota-iq.de on instructions how to receive your price!
Some results
After mathematical analysis, there was a strong correlation of about 20% between the Dota knowledge test and the mmr of the players, so if you want to improve your mmr, consume some good old tutorials and remember as much as you can about the game mechanics!
There was also some correlation between the logic/emotional tests and the mmr of the players - it showed that people that scored good in these tests had a slightly higher MMR than people that didn't, but the effect was too small to be statistically relevant, in short: we cannot be sure if the result is genuine or just coincidence.
Another fun fact: higher MMR was linked to higher intelligence, but high playing hours had a negative impact on intelligence (both not statistically relevant). So just to be sure, if you plan on playing Dota a lot, make sure you work on your MMR or your intelligence will go down the drain ;-)