General Discussion

General Discussionfeels Weak / Strong / impactful heroes

feels Weak / Strong / impactful heroes in General Discussion

    recently i played many games with Invo/slark/pa/mirana teammate... and sometimes they just feels so strong and sometimes so useless..

    and about the enemy mostly nyx.slardar,pudge,riki... eventhough i zoned them hard even kill them 3 or 4 times they still can have very impactful play..

    i feel now invo and mirana is weaker then storm or tinker as hero mid..

    and recently i almost always lose with slardar lifestealer combo.. no matter how far the networth is, they can catch up my carries..
    i used to do it when im still in 3k.. but mostly rekt when face slark,morp and sometime am and pa because of overextend or doesnt end the game when we have advantage..

    btw now i just loved to play silencer.. its very entertaining and tempting to see the +2 int..haha

    anyone have the same experience or oponion about this..? thanks


      Ur english. Dude. From what i understand ur saying farm reliant heroes r bad when theyre behind (no shit), and that farm independent heroes like pudge can still catch up (also no shit).


        @Daddy so my english is equaly terrible? lol, i always knew it
        and yes, what daddy says its true... may the playstyle of ur teamates is unestable and gives u that feeling..


          I mean u get the gist of things its just that specifics get lost.


            @Daddy about our english or his feelings? lol so romantic hahaha


              it's not the hero, it's the player behind the hero

              every hero can be impactful


                @daddy sry man.. haha its just i typing while still in game.. so you can expect a better english from me later.. haha

                @sarilo maybe the playstyle.. or its just the draft.. or maybe someone just have a bad day and play bad(me).. sad.. haha


                  when i was learning to play 3 years ago, i remember my friend/dota teacher told exactly the same, after we play and lose 2 games..
                  in the first game, my siren vs their pudge 1 vs 1 mid, no ganks, and the siren feeds the pudge so hardly that in 15min pudge was absolutely indestructible
                  in the second game, my pudge vs their siren 1 vs 1 mid, no ganks, and the pudge feeded siren so hardly that in 20min we where on hg and siren had 3 mayor items..
                  imo, 1 vs 1 of course, the siren should always win.. "it's not the hero, it's the player behind the hero"


                    @sir cookie your previous prof pic is better sir.. yeah.. maybe its because just "player" problem.. btw have any suggestion hero to spam for this meta sir..?(except mid hero) i like to learn a hero with spam method.. i can have fun, know the mechanic, and the strong and weakneses of the hero at the same time..


                      @Sijerman sometimes happens hahahah


                        Sven, PA, tinker, Storm S.


                          Spam huskar, if ur sub 2k I think. Ns shits don't know what to do against him.


                            @sarilo and Daddy.. why mid hero.. i dont like play mid.. i mostly played supp/carry..

                            clueless clown

                              huskar spam is risky imo. u need 2 control the game well. if u have good decision making then shud be fine. ive heard the best heroes are morph and slark. tinker if ur fukn good.


                                Slark is so cancer I wud die if I spammed him. Morph is too Allie dependent early on. Huskar is risky in a tier with any skill, but in the shit tier he is fine


                                  Look at my recent ns huskar games


                                    It's not about the heroes, it mostly depends on the players.
