General Discussion

General DiscussionNaga Siren help

Naga Siren help in General Discussion

    In the event I get fked in lane and can't get my rad up in time, should I continue taking my chances finding farm for rad or switch over to another build for fighting, say manta and diffusal? My last naga game would be a good example.


      I think if u cant get rad build a vang first then go for rad. The hero still badly needs rad for split push. If it is really in the shits then go vang into diffusal manta then rad octa.

      casual gamer

        always rad, never not rad


          Fighting builds on Naga are a joke, if you can't get rad try harder.


            Sell everything to buy radiance. Then proceed to lose game.


              I can understand delaying rad, but it shud always be purchased


                u go like this
                aquila talon boots and maybe to arcane boots u get this in 8 min ( u should or even less if safelane) then stay in lane if free if not go jungle other lanes max ilus and riptide and farm u get radi before20 min but u must use ilu when is off cooldown not wait 3 mins and then use ilus and send u must non stop spam ilus and send to jungle and 1 lane