General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is you concept hero guys?

what is you concept hero guys? in General Discussion

    My concept hero is something with skills like kratos in GoW. it just very cool if tht hero exist with his chains blade he could be very flexible hero . his skill 1 is applouse his blade to enemy hero (aoe skill) 90/180/270/360
    Then his second skills is moving with his chain blade forward and deals stunt for 1.25 sec when landed (aoe skill ) deal 150 damage and slow 15%/25%/35%/45% and his third skill is throw his blade to enemy and drag the enemy to himself (like pudge hooks but can be targeted) deals 70/140/210/280 damage and the ult is this hero speare his blade and rotating (like jugs) dealing 100/200/300 damage for 5 sec at 500 area oh yea the 1st skill is pysical . Thts was my retarted hero concept whts yours? XD i will name it cancer rofl


      what is gow?


        God of war dude

        Dire Wolf

          There's already 112 heroes in the game, every variation, role, flavor is already covered pretty much so it's hard to say we need x hero cus that's not really in the game. Sure you can still come up with new cool hero ideas but nothing's going to be that different unless you do something like techies and make a hero totally outside normal mechanics. Even arc warden is not insanely different from others, he's kind of like naga mixed with lone druid, ie illusion hero that can use items on his summon.

          That said I would mix some types/roles we don't have much of like a ranged strength carry. All we have is huskar there and his range is only 400. Same with an int melee carry, we have some int melees but they are supports.

          I think a hero with more auras would be interesting as well, if he had like multiple auras he could toggle between. Like he has a magic resist aura and can toggle it to shift so it starts as buffing your magic resist by 5% and reducing opponent magic resist by 5% but it can be toggled in 5% increments so it buffs yours by 10% and reduces opponents by 0% or vice versa. Would level up at 5/10/15/20 so it could buff or debuff by up to 40 at max level.

          Other skill could be a dot or heal like urn, so cast on allies it heals them, cast on foes it damages them.

          Last ability would dispel allies when cast on them or stop enemies when cast on them.

          Then his ult would for a period of time like 20-30 seconds enable both sides of the aura, and grant extra abilities so his second and third skills are on separate cooldowns, ie you cast the heal on your friends and you have a second one to cast on enemies as a dot on its own cd.
          Call him ying yang or mirror or something like that.

          Pale Mannie

            i have some support in mind who can toggle its attacks to allies to heal them in cost of doubling the BAT or half the current attackspeed while toggled

            Dire Wolf

              yes that would be cool too. I think more healers in dota in general can make things interesting. We have a few dots, only like four targeted spells? Omni purification, oracle thingy that hurts then heals, dazzle wave, necro death pulse. Io is regen, huskar is regen, treant is regen, warlock is a dot, lc is a regen.