General Discussion

General DiscussionImproving from Normal Skill Barcket

Improving from Normal Skill Barcket in General Discussion

    Hey people, please be nice.
    I've been playing dota2 for about one year now and I have never played on High Skill, ever.
    My old clueless self opened my TBD and got 1900 ish MMR.
    I've been hovering around 1k9, 1k8, back to 2k and thats my perfectly created loop. My peak was at 2k1.
    I always thought that if I lose, it was always my team's fault.
    Then as time passes, I'm convinced that it is my fault since my team can't be any dumber than my enemy. I was inspired by some MMR boosting guy that can win any game on a normal skill bracket, thought I could do the same.
    So, I'm on that skill bracket where spamming one particullar hero or learning simple tricks can help me. Although I know well around the dota fundementals, I lack creativity and decision making (one dimensional builds, wrong positioning, etc)
    Has anyone here gained from normal skill to high or very high?
    It'd be nice if you share your experience, thanks


      Road to 3k man

      Riguma Borusu

        I started playing dota basically at start of 2015, and shortly after I calibrated at 1.2k MMR. I wasn't devastated because I was terrible. Then for the next year I basically played unranked, and I got to high skill and very high skill in unranked. Then I started playing ranked, and went from 1.2k to 3.8k I am at now. So yes, I've effectively gone from NS to VHS on two completely separate occasions, both starting from about 1k MMR, first unranked, then ranked.

        As long as you improve as fast as you gain MMR, and you have a positive winrate over a period of time (global winrate is less relevant), you are going to gain mmr and improve at the same time. It is not impossible, and it is not hard, it is just that you need to practice and refine things you do, either by trying stuff in lobbies or just doing stuff in games.

        Spamming heroes is okay as long as you pick a versatile hero who can contribute, or find a way to contribute on a low impact hero.

        A 5k guy can have almost 100% winrate in normal skill if he plays as serious as he plays his 5k matches, so if you are better than your teammates and opponents and pick a strong core hero, you can win most games and slowly go up.

        In the last week you have over 60% winrate. A winrate of 60% means that for every match you play you win an average of 5 MMR, so if you can keep 60% winrate over the next 100 matches, you will gain 500 MMR.

        I got from 1.2k to 3.0k by spamming legion jungle, some supports and offlane abaddon. Then I went from 3.0k to 3.8k by spamming blood seeker. I am bored of all those heroes so I will probably find something new soon, maybe I will go back to sven and spam safelane, who knows. The thing is, all games bellow 5k are winnable by average people who put some effort.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          ^Not bad analysis Linken versatile is a joke, my versatile chart is 0.01 keep spam 1 or 2 hero ftw
