General Discussion

General DiscussionSay everything that makes you extremely angry and frustrated

Say everything that makes you extremely angry and frustrated in General Discussion

    I get extremely angry when you throw a super easy game, etc you throw without bb, they go throne. Or games lost because of one questionable decision. Or if I lose a game that I could have easily carried. Also when people get inspired by pros and go like SF mid with euls, also people that always want to fight no matter what and people that want to defend towers and don't wait for high ground defense. Also important teamfights walking around, when my support is pulling a camp when you could have easily killed the offlaner. Or when you're 1v3 in mid lane and all 3 heroes are walking around on 100 hp. Dota 2.


      people who don't push an easy 20 minute rax, people who never turn when they have rainbow countergank tps, people who make fun of my solo mmr :((

      meet yo maker

        dota 2

        Putins Price Hike

          you can only be mad at yourself. if you are really good enough you wont throw


            Throws, delusional plebs, and ignorance
            "Dude please dont go mid pudge you'd get destroyed by OD"
            "Shut up and play omg so cancerous SEA dota"
            "Come on I'm telling you man it's outdated"
            "Oldschool dota best dota"
            He got shat on and babyraged

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Long story made short - player in 4k+ play like 3.3k


                4k invoker, more like 1k injoker



                  support hitting creeps during laning stage

                  Mary Poppins

                    Laning against necrophos and people who unpause, my team or not I report for that

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      My big dong not fitting into my pants.


                        When someone steals my stacks. I only make them if I'm playing Sven, Alch, TB or Luna though so it's not a common occurence.

                        When sups steal bounty runes from my Alch. Had a sup Mirana in my team a few days back who would ping me to come get bounty runes and then take them soon as I got there.

                        Sups who steal last hits and start using spells if they can't get them from right clicks. Linas, CMs and Rubicks in 1k and 2k are the worst offenders.

                        When someone on my team picks Drow or Sniper, especially last pick. Drow/Sniper in my bracket always go 0-12.



                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            When I am a tank, or nuker, go in because I see a teammate there and ping ahead of time and say "let's go!", almost kill someone by myself but end up dying since teammate did not go in with me and ignored me instead even though they have a stun and blink daggar.


                              Play solo ranked match at SEA... U will got the answer..


                                when the 4th guy picks a jungle and the fifth guy randoms im just like :) :) :) : ):) :)


                                  Nothing, I'm like water.


                                    sf euls is quite throwing yeah, but nothing tilts more than people who are rly toxic and just give up when they are not good players themselves.


                                      People who think i'm shit just because i calibrated at 1.5k

                                      "Why pick ursa mid ?? let me guess, ur 1k" - Pudge


                                        Watching someone else play a hero I'm good at and fail miserably.
                                        Watching players not understand tempo and the strengths / power peaks of both teams. It's infuriating when teammates feed the one enemy carry that I suppressed in lane and mid game.
                                        Watching players get overconfident and chase kills over objectives.
                                        Watching players grief or give up on games.

                                        Sugar Show

                                          carry team, no courier or wards.




                                              When your team flames you incessantly at your first missed mirana arrow.