General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat heroes do you think will be good this patch?

What heroes do you think will be good this patch? in General Discussion

    sk is still good, if pl becomes meta then not so much

    Riguma Borusu

      I have a feeling illusions got nerfed too hard so I do not see it as likely tat an illusion meta is coming in


        Illusions is gone
        Balanced talon got nerfed hard for heroes with high BAT (a.k.a every single offlaner) so no more falling back to jungle, which means early game dominators would be gucci
        I see QoP coming alive again


          70% spell lifesteal on agh sonic wave sounds nasty af.

          im actually enjoying the semi-instant raze animations on shadow fiend.

          riki even more dead though, forced into manta style core item rofl.


            I suspect Broodmomma could be monstrous. Her ult got some nice buffs and the ability to go 16 webs for late game means being able to control half the map
            Plus i like going radiance on her and that got buffed as well


              shoutout to admiral bulldog, he predicted the brood ulti buffs on his stream.


                do you even know what BAT is? there's only 6 heroes (out of a pool of like 110) with BAT's that are higher than the average 1.7s.

                anyway it was dumb that you could get more out of the jungle and then head back into lane and come out ahead than if you had started in the lane.


                  Anti mage with aghanim and + 25 agility lvl 25 is a beast splitpusher he was in meta already I guess he will be even more now


                    Not sure tbh. Im theorycrafting necrophos rn, and he looks to be better now late game, especially against right click heroes. How does blademail/mek > bloodstone > aghs > octarine sound? Fit in a bkb or linkens somewhere. I think blademail then his ghost scepter is really good, cuz even if that lion wants to finger u he will kill himself. I think he needs bloodstone cuz he lost his mana regen ability, but not sure. Just theorycrafting for now.


                      yes anti mage is really good with that aghs , kinda like free linken


                        Monkeyking rofl


                          Monkey king's gonna be good if you can figure out a build where he isn't super squishy

                          other then that AM's gonna be good, Qop and lycan might be good


                            Rip arc warden!!!!


                              luna is still really good, pudge no buff or nerf, meaning he is broken as shit

                              Player 123655765

                                sniper with MOM and Mjol skadi


                                  I cant wait to see how utterly cancer slark and Am will be.


                                    AM skadi agh da real cancer
                                    What you gonna do


                                      Lycan and Anti-Mage. That Aghs upgrade for AM looks too much. Linken's + Lotus Orb for 4200 gold...


                                        no one can escape meepo net now


                                          Omni guys.....


                                            Hey guys it's Icefrog here. How do you like the new patch notes? Me and my fellow monkeys have spent countless of nights theorycrafting and sticking bananas up our ass to search for the dankest updates to troll the community. I believe this will be the dankest patch by far. I hope you guys enjoy this patch.

                                            Johnny Rico

                                              Techies is playable again, mines cant be stack but do 700 dmg at level 4.


                                                Roaming jungling chaos knight. With lifesteal sustain, better jungling potebtial, and an aghs that brings the cancer Luna Illusion meta back, it's great.


                                                  Roaming yes. But jungling? No way a 12% chance crit with lifesteal isnt gonna help him do that imo.


                                                    sf might be nice with the double soul damage but i doubt its gonna be enough.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      Really looking forward to the new treant. New nature guise is pretty much Riki invis with a free bash.

                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                        Treant was actually a huge nerf, you cant give free invis yo your team8s

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          The new nature guise should almost always be leveled up at least once early and can really screw up the enemy safe or offlane. The old nature guise wasn't really viable to spam on allies until late game because of the short duration, long cooldown, and mana problems.


                                                            I think its a buff for the only reason that treant has a stun now. And it says bash so im thinking this pierces bkb

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              It does, this is a 2.2 second stun on a 3 second cooldown technically, I wouldn't be surprised if they nerf this next patch.

                                                              Coffee Bean~

                                                                Dedicated jungle lifestealer XD

                                                                euls SF now stronger

                                                                Cm aghs =wombo combo with magnus

                                                                Skywrath now braindead XD kappa


                                                                  Played 2 lobby games vs the monkey so far. Good luck killing that mofo once he gets a linkens

                                                                  One thing i noticed is the sheer amount of unlevel terrain. Positioning, wards and map awareness will be paramount


                                                                    Goodluck catching anti mage, bloodseeker.


                                                                      Necrophos is the new cancer.



                                                                        Especially that first time that he has ahgs. You can easily cancel it with your q. But I can't wait to see unsuspecting bloodseekers ult themselves before they notice the ahgs purchase.

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          vengeful spirit carry xd


                                                                            Cm aghs overrated. Doesnt solve the fact that they either kill her, stun her, both, or walk out.


                                                                              @13ambi besides bloodrage has shorter cast range as far as i remember.

                                                                              Time to spam necro.

                                                                              meteor hammer


                                                                                  470 dmg? ROFLMAO

                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                    you can keep the dominator in ur backpack with TP and always have a wolf. then you get 2 more slots for skadi/bfly/crit/bkb

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      my god, 470 damage with those items

                                                                                      that's broken

                                                                                      btw how do you see str/agi/int


                                                                                        Oh god hahaha. so it's like what? 600~ damage? Ouch.

                                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                                          hold ALT to see stats

                                                                                          600 damage flat with skadi bfly , plus 3200 hp and 31 armor

                                                                                          and ur attack speed is really damn good as well

                                                                                          meteor hammer

                                                                                            sniper aghs appears to be VERY good. i played a game going mom after DL, which i think is the build if you can handle the awkwardness of being silenced when you activate it.

                                                                                            every game i see a sniper. every game i see a treant.


                                                                                              From an annoying semicarry to a monstrous late game carry, she can manfight sven now hahaha.


                                                                                                PA vs Anti Mage, she throws dagger, crit like 1.2 k damage, turns out AM has aghs. RIP.

                                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                  Ok so it set, I will VS single hand carry all game with 3K hp and 600 dmg(oh yes I will definitely buy dadelus every single game)

                                                                                                  - Icefrog did u get the diox cancer also?and I heard frog can transform male/female by it own is that true?


                                                                                                    Lich getting +150 damage at level 20 and free eye of skadi at 25 just seems pretty good to me, idk. Does that seem good? It seems good.


                                                                                                      I'm pretty sure Helm of Dominator + Vlad is now core on Abaddon offflane. Dominate a creep with good aura and let it follow him... He's now the true aura carrier.


                                                                                                        Like you go solo mid with lich and buy a freaking hand of midas and then a mjollnir right?