General Discussion

General Discussiondid they buff invoker or did he get dumpstered

did they buff invoker or did he get dumpstered in General Discussion

    hard to tell from the patchnotes


      true ! i just play dota to play voker ! will leave if they have made him *** :( !


        31% winrate on smurf seems legit

        Johnny Rico

          Nerfed, early on now he cant split push, and solo rosh as before, you get only 1 forge, no more deafing AoE blast, you gain nothing more from q/w/e than the base numbers (nvoker no longer gains passive attributes when leveling Reagents)

          Level 10: +15 Damage OR +125 Health - both shit, i would go for dmg
          Level 15: +1 Forged Spirit Summoned OR +20% XP Gain - exp on voker is good, but forge is good to
          Level 20: +7 All Stats OR +35 Attack Speed - 7 to all stats
          Level 25: AoE Deafening Blast OR -15s Tornado Cooldown - tornado 15 sec cd or huge aoe, probably the huge aoe.

          Freya 69

            I think the most important part of his tweakage is the 6 second Invoke buff. If at 10 minutes he can go on someone to kill with the possibility of 4 spells instead of the usual 3, I think the odds of success increase. That's just my line of thought.

            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

              why wouldnt u be able to splitpush without 2nd forge spirit, also u can still pick forgespirit/deafening blast

              yes, qwe base attributes got taken away but now u get additional dmg/hp regen through ur orbs

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                im actually just asking ppl who played on the test client already and played with/against/on invoker


                  i think the tornado cd is way better usually


                    with octarine invokers tornado is 22.5 cd
                    7.5 second cd tornado stun+360 damage nuke thats pretty nice


                      the double forge spirit was the reason for quas exort. double forge spirit at lvl 15 instead of lvl 9 is a big nerf. The level 10 talent is shit. Also, 6 seconds may seem very low in comparison but you have to remember it is only with 2 sec cooldwon thru aghs that his true power is unlocked and u can really use a variety of spells. At 6 sec cooldown max spells you'll be able to use is 4 and that too in a long drawn out fight


                        honestly still a good hero probably

                        Sugar Show

                          Invoker iz ded.


                            no idea
                            i suppose now you always go 1 1 2 for qe invoker?

                            i think his early game got absolutely dumpstered, the 6s invoke cd is meaningless and removal of forge spirit on 8 sounds devastating
                            might be pretty good later in the game but i don't like this at all

                            who knows though


                              his early game got better but his midgame farming got worse but his midgame teamfighting got better so u can just buy midas and jion more fights


                                He's kinda nerfed now u need lvl 15 to get dual forge spirits I think and before u would need lvl 8, so that's fucking dogshit


                                  yeah but u can rush aghs and get 2 sec cd at low level and u can actually cast spells in early game


                                    true, before u would need to fucking farm A LOT and get ur levels fast as fuck or u will be stuck with 3 spells for 10 years

                                    FZ 1 N

                                      Overall - dumbstered.


                                        ^^ well 3 spells for 10 years (spirits, snap and sunstrike) kinda suited the passive farm-split-push quas exort invoker playstyle.

                                        so i guess while quas wex invokers are fine, quas exort invokers are fucked since spirits is only half as good as before, and they rely on that

                                        Massive Dynamic

                                          His early game got nerfed, but he's still a viable hero. QW builds will definitely be more popular now, but they are still somewhat situational. If you do go the QE build it will most likely include a value point in Wex a lot earlier than it normally would have. For example, most people doing the QE build wouldn't spend any points in Wex until level 9 or 10 in order to have two forge spirits as soon as possible. Now the build to level eight might look something like 3-1-4 so that you can use alacrity for early farming instead of your second spirit. It's not as efficient as two spirits though. Overall QE did get nerfed, but like I said before, still a viable hero.