General Discussion

General DiscussionThere is 1 more Spirit hero coming....

There is 1 more Spirit hero coming.... in General Discussion

    Read the Legends of the Monkey King comic. It says that after MK defeated Razor, the Spirit brothers became enraged and defeated MK and imprisoned him in Xin's Eternal Furnace. Now, in the comic there are four spirits in a panel, one is Kaolin, one is Raijin, one is Xin, and in the top left you can see a purple spirit. Now this could be the next hero and maybe the first original and exclusive in Dota 2.

    What do you think it's name will be and what element will it represent?


      ^ more importantly, new stats?


        if it doesn't represent water then valve are a lot more creative than I give them credit for :)


          bane is an elemental force too. so is morphling.

          BSJ. LGD

            i read on reddit that: it is brewmaster's father


              both bane and morphling are not elementals (only ck, wisp, enigma and kotl)


                those are the fundamentals




                    He looks like some sort of dark force of nature or shit
                    Looking forward towards it

                    Pale Mannie

                      my prediction:

                      Elemental Spirit is an agility ranged hero who can switch his main attribute whenever he wants


                        Well I'm hoping that this will be like the old DotA times where every 2-3 patches there are a new hero/es and every .x9 there is a secret boss battle with a new hero. Here's hoping :)

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          @Goethe Sounds like Shadowblade from HoN

                          Pale Mannie

                            i might play a little bit of hon but i didnt knew this


                              Toxic Spirit m8. His main attribute is strength and a ranged hero. His ulti is make all enemy pseudo-disconnected lmao

                              CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                I'm 100% sure there will be a 4th one
                                Monkey king's response to storm spirit when in lane


                                  who cares dota lore is retarded anyway


                                    Purple is represented by Darkness, so yeah.

                                    < blank >

                                      Dark Spirit or Arcane Spirit

                                      The Medic Guy

                                        it suppose to be wind spirit Fūjin


                                          Spirit of harambe ???


                                            Water spirit probably??


                                              Is dark was element?


                                                purple color is dark

                                                2k indog monkey

                                                  Dank spirit
                                                  He has no main item build and can be played as pos 12345

                                                  lm ao

                                                    Your mum