General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 riki unplayable? Thoughts?

7.00 riki unplayable? Thoughts? in General Discussion
    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

      Man i just played against a riki and he seemed pretty useless tbh </3


        i dont even bother trying tbh, so much bullshit they made this game 200% unbalanced when it was perfectly balanced for once

        i wonder when they'll make wr a hero again


          I played a riki and we made a comeback from megas so hes fine


            i wonder when they'll make wr a hero again

            WR is always a hero

            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

              "I played a riki and we made a comeback from megas so hes fine"

              He isn't as bad as I thought he would be...

              That being said 1 match of riki is not a large enough sample size to say he's fine (especially in casual:D) But congratz on winning <3


                Dude u can say worse or better but he is clearly not unplayable. That term sets the limit rlly low.


                  It increases the skillfloor of riki alot imo

                  Good Luck

                    Riki is bad because diffusal cannot purge dust/self omg " even i never use diffusal to purge myself when i`m use riki" i use it to enemy @@


                      700 is butt hurt but he has a point . Playing at normal skill bracket you can play riki and get that stat but generally its way harder to maintain those KDA because simply at higher bracket people know how to deal with him better. If you are struggling and thinking riki is unplayable at that bracket then there is nothing more to add.


                        I dieded when reading the first page of this thread"my Riki is better, because I have higher win rate than u and am also several thousands of mmr below you. However my item timings are much better than us, so suck it"


                          i think he is still amazing

                          Kill yourself in the name...

                            valve is listening to my suggestions.

                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                              The English in this thread just took the worst turn over the last couple comments.

                              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                i played 2000 over games as riki. I played in 90% of my games (unless get ban or opponent picked it) and I almost first pick it, because I don't really care what other the opponent pick. And I only want to played it as core offlane carry. People like marlan 5k scrub will screamed at me for laning, said im noob or shit. I don't really give a shit how these players say. I can tell you, yes riki is nerfed badly in this new patch. But it is playable. Need to adjust playstyle to be more team fight than solo fight. For a player like me who played 2000 over games as riki, you can listen to me more than a 5k scrubs who played less than 100 games, for I understrand this character more than anyone does. Going roam is good but you need basic item to slow and chase, without which you are useless. So my suggestion is get laning at offlane for at least 5-10 mins, TP in for team fight, if not, diff blade is still a core item for riki. I seldom goes to manta, simply because of high cost/benefit ratio. Just play safe and stay with team

                                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                  and I almost never buy agh. the ulti is useless for 4.2k. I would rather spend this amount on a deso. and my dotabuff only showed 500 plus matches as I just joined dotabuff few weeks back and they only record latest 500 matches

                                  Good Luck

                                    ilc if u try support riki, try tranquil, urn , solarcrest diffusal, ijust try it its verry nice dude and difusal take talent +250 cast range

                                    Super Speed Snail

                                      Yeah, deso riki is the true support riki. Even when you out leveled by 10 and out farmed by three lux items, you still can kill them with deso and diffu.

                                      The rest of it could go to wards, sentries, and dusts.

                                      I also sometime try basher. When it proc in your ult, your enemy gonna be inside the ult for full duration.


                                        meh i never cared for Dif blade I just got Echo saber and S&Y then butterfly or something. never bothered with it because Echo is way more important and you need the Strength from Sange and Echo to survive the blink/ulti cool down duration