General Discussion

General DiscussionDiscussion about Gameplay Style : Networth Advantage

Discussion about Gameplay Style : Networth Advantage in General Discussion
Jonas Kahnwald

    Hi guys !

    Im Lanto, and I have some perspective I want to discuss here with you guys ! Sorry if my English is bad :). Im just 4k player, but I more enjoy the game than rush MMR. The main content of this topic is : How do you make the game easy, and create advantage from yourself. I was use this build sucessful in 6.88, and with more bounty, and level is importal now in 7.00 patch. I think that will be big thing for me !

    My perspective is use networth advantage early, mid-game hero to carry the team, or at least making space for team. Depends on the way you understand. In this perspective, my goal is get Hand of Midas , and Boots of Travel as soon as possible. Why ?

    - Hand of Midas : For fast EXP.
    - Boots of Travel : For some reasons, I think that is the best item I love to buy in the game. Once you have that, you are more mobiity, and farm quickly than any Boots of the game. Plus, if you are losing tower at mid-game, that one can slowly the game. Make creep pushing = more vision for you.

    That thing is you will balance between farming and fight, play safe, and always control the map, taking a kill if possible. My favorite heroes of this gameplay style is :

    - Broodmother (In this situation, Brood are good on making space, and stealing enemy jungle)
    - Bloodseeker (early physical damage, and reduce cooldown of Bloodrite can make you fast farm more than any hero in early, mid-game stage)
    - Naga Siren (Of course, but I skip hand of midas on this hero) - I was #83 on Dotabuff Top 100
    - Invoker (you will no wonder when you have Drum, BoT, Midas on Invoker)

    I only play Bloodseeker at mid-lane, and try to get level, farmed as fast. Teamfight when you are level 16, when anyone just level 11~12 is more visable. Just Hand of midas, BoT, BKB, you are the monster at this moment.

    Example gameplay :

    For me hero with highest level in the mid-game is hero win the game :)

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Wow, you have more than 6000 games.
      It's so unreal....................................... Midas is gr8 this patch and about Bloodseeker.... getting lvl 25 reduced CD for Bloodrites means you can depush or def better, not farm

      Jonas Kahnwald

        @ Cheap Laugh Guy : Hi man, I was played a lot before, and climbed from 2.5k MMR to 4k before, and Im on the rest after reached this desire MMR :D. Yeah, I think in 7.0 reduced CD on Bloodrite is something unique on Blood, especial for me, who love follow networth perspective.

        Brood also good on this patch. But I gonna enjoy watching than play at this moment, this patch still messy, and more thing need to balance. Lets see what happend after January :D


          In my perspective naga got nerf a lot because she farms with illu that means she dont get levels, she is useless early game before rad even after rad she is still quite useless and now early game to mid game fight is very important.
          Where is my boy alch in this patch with rad armlet and bot he can split push then bot then fight. Rad and armlet makes alch becomes the most powerful hero in the game at that time. Now when alch got crushed in the lane, he can just go to jungle and farm there to get 15 min rad armlet. And that is patch 7.00, his laning phase is nerfed but his jungling is buffed but his 10 min is nerfed so hard that alch cant win with supp stacking for him. He gains lvl fast too. And if you ask how good am i at alch. I can tell you this if at first 15 min and the scoreboard is not 20-0 i will win that game. My av gpm is 900-1000

          Okey now bot part. This item is very impactful for farming carry. You can ask for a fight then you bot that place when the fight is half a mile away. It is also good at splitpushing but if all 3 lane is pushed this item makes no impact at the game. And yeah take this with a grain a salt because i got a low mmr and low match count.


            Yes midas is more relevant
            But naga is absolute dogshit right now, too much indirect nerf


              Yup especially the sven buff am buff its make naga bad. I hope this patch will be over soon. I always wanted to spam naga


                Sven buff? Didn't notice any buff on him on patch note
                Maybe misread or skipped it
                AM got shittons of indirect buff tho
                Good luck catching him with the map as huge as an entire village
                Also more item choices to fix those rare cases that puts AM in weird position


                  Its mom actually that buff sven. I dont really build echo sabre anymore, so now i build mom blink bkb daedalus ac. Dunno if im correct

                  Jonas Kahnwald

                    Exactly I dont spam Naga anymore, since 6.85 came. She is good at 6.81~2 , and now Radiance, and illusions nerf a bit, Octarine Core. She still viable, but not powerful like previous patch :D.

                    Anyway, guys, should not spam 1 hero. That thing make you boring to dota2 than enjoy ;)

                    @fx : if Alche face Bloodseeker mid, he is GG :D


                      yeah naga just feels like shit. most of the slow I'm going to take 30 mins to farm before i even think about joining a teamfight heroes are like this. It's just too important to have a good early and mid game.


                        Now really actually. If im the alch ill do this. Let say youll crush me in lane. Ill get lv 4 while last hit in tower. Play very safe. Then ill move to jungle to get lv 6 get bounty farm stacks. While that going on ill make sure having 1 supp will protect me from bs ganking jungle. Either bs crush me or i crush bs in the game.

                        Jonas Kahnwald

                          @fx : Here is how I outplay Alchemist in mid lane


                            I imagine that sven is very op now. Vs lycan you can just ult warcry blink stun mom no necro minion. Early game and midgame amazing fighter.


                              Ok lanto ill see that and ill tell you how i counter that when i get back to my hotel which is 6-7 more hour

                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                @fx : thank you, you are welcome mate. Back to sven topic, since I read patch note of Mask of Madness, and change Helm of Dominator, I was thinking about Sven .


                                  I think you go like this mom echo sabre blink bkb daedalus ac or
                                  Mom armlet blink bkb daedalus ac.
                                  Point is you go fight when you got mom armlet or sabre. Secure earlygame fight take rosh win mid game and then you finish.


                                    You mean MoM armlet or armlet sabre
                                    MoM sabre seems like inefficient usage of slots


                                      Mom armlet/echo sabre


                                        Concluded alch guy: he cant play a braindead hero. I post a guide to alch few week ago and it really help if you can find it.
                                        He got a really good lane actually and you need to pressure him more.
                               Vs tinker mid
                               Vs dual lane huskar jugg died 2 time in lane
                               Vs bb mid killed 2 time in lane


                                          M8 fx if you add up my alch winrate with yours it won't even be 100% lmao

