General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother.

Broodmother. in General Discussion

    I never played broodmother.
    I dont understand point of him.
    When is he picked?
    What is he doing.
    What can Brood counter( i know what counters brood)?

    Anyone can give me answer cause i dont know hero.



      mother="a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth."

      she's clearly a milf

      Jonas Kahnwald

        I'm Brood player here, Rank #81 Naga Siren players.

        She is deathball, situation hero. Great when last pick.

        Pick her when you feel you can solo offlane 1vs3 heroes. Brood is very good against Drow Ranger strategy line up ;)

        Avoid pick her when enemy have more AOE disable.

        For example, at this game I was last pick Broodmother :


          She is the single hardest pusher in the game and the strongest hero <15 minutes. No other hero can single handedly push down a t1 and t2 in 7:00 even facing 2 heros in lane.

          She's best last picked since it is impossible for her to lane against her counters. Your spiders simply arent going to deal with an axe, bristleback or tidehunter

          I like playing her mid where you dont usually see a harder enemy counter. Your typical pub mids (sniper, pudge, zeus, invoker) all get put in the dumpster by a good brood player. She can dominate a SF by abusing the turn rate required for razes. She can bait stuns with a couple of spiders and then send in the army when certain skills like Tidebringer are on cooldown.

          Essentially if someone plays pudge mid vs my broodmomma, they are dying 4 times and losing 2 towers in the first 6 mins of the game. Buy your own sentries and a tango and instantly deward.

          I won 57% with her in 6.88 which is the AFK farming patch so enemy Lunas or AM's that wanted to lane for 15 mins and afk farm for the next 20 would find their mid towers gone and jungle full of webs along with a bloodthorn/radiance lurking around. Im still playing with her in 7.00 if i wasnt winning 78% with Lycan id play her more

          You just dont ever want to get in a 40:00 game with her which was a lot of 6.88 including your own team strategy. If your team had an AM or Luna, you dont expect them to splitpush the enemy offlane as you rotated to their jungle/safelane because they would be afk as well

          Jonas Kahnwald

            @Onions : Look at your recently games, I realize you are the one understand meta deeply ! You played a lot Lycan, I think this hero is great at 7.00 ;)


              Lycan is incredible- similar hero to brood really in that you have to micro your minions. I prefer that kind of hero vs say a Medusa where you line up and just rightclick the other heros

              Jonas Kahnwald

                @Onions : Medusa is just shit to against Broodmother, Lycan :D . Sure they will beat Medu before her team can help her farm up ;)


                  Brood still needs a buff.


                    @ Lanto thx for share .Never though about laning drow and fuck her laning up
                    @Onions thz too but brood mid is bad still good info rest ty


                      4.1k mmr guy with 48% winrate on brood after 300 games


                        @ Lanto mate 1200 naga games u can get 5k only by playing naga ez 6k games why no tryhard


                          @imkatz why do you say brood mid is bad since there's only 5 or so heros in the game who hard counter her lane and none of them are really decent mid heros? When playing with a competent team who is on-board with the strategy, you brood mid to win the t1 and t2, then rotate offlane. Your two offlaners rotate safelane and start deathballing the enemy offlane while you web the jungle and mow down the t1 and t2 in jungle. Then you just split push in for the starve out.

                          Laning, you can face annoying semi-counters with aoe like a smart Lc who maxes Q, omni, dazzle, shaman etc who can chain-kill your spiders. Brood needs to snowball and the easiest way to do this is to win your mid which is almost always 1v1


                            Mid is shit in VHS cause its easy kill with dust plus not worth it in VHS there are beter heroes midd in VHs
                            ur talking about normal skill games where i can safe lane invoker and win game


                              Thats the mystery to me why i can win 55% and be NS and i see people who win 47% who are 5.5k and are vhs


                                you need to win more to be VHS


                                  having a 55% winrate in NS is worse than a 47% winrate in VHS


                                    i havent seen any1 above 5k with negative winrate just cz cali cap

                                    any 5k garbage would have ~80-85% winrate in a bracket where you only win 55%, as well as ud be at ~20% wr in 5ks.


                                      she is good for rat strat or for snowballing when have no real counters.. she can perfectly lane vs 2 heroes, and moderately good vs 3.

                                      a good brood player can rape most of lineups.. also i get ur point.. but, for sure, u have only seens random players playing brood and feeding..


                                        she used to be played mid quite a bit. more recently i'm sure I remember some pro games with a mid brood somewhere around 6.85.


                                          Ive seen rlly good brood spammers win games by 15 min.


                                            I think the only time ive seen brood mid was TI5 and that was to fuck over a viper

                                            Freya 69

                                              The most lane dominant hero in the game. You either destroy your lane or you get destroyed in turn.


                                                Got killed twice before min 5. Got double kill on min 6 on supp and safelane carry. 9 min midas and kill t1 while your other teammate is fighting and pressure enemy team to own base. Game might be long but you have limited their is decided by min 15.


                                                  See bulldong play brood hes a very good brood player


                                                    Ive disconnected people in 1k who dont understand even the basics of brood (tbh neither do i fully lol), but i made an ursa abandon 8 min in after killing him 5 times. Thing is i dont know how u lane lvl 1 and 2, when u r lacking spiders and rlly squishy, how do u go get cs without getting the shit harassed out of u. Not rlly sure on these web placements either going into the midgame. Do u just camp one lane or spread out? Like after u take their one lane of towers, what do u even do?

                                                    Jonas Kahnwald

                                                      @I'm Katz : I was climbed from 2.5k MMR to 4k since Nov 2014 until early December 2016, mate. 6k games but most of them is party MMR, or just play with friends. Im more enjoy game than rush. Do you know, SEA server sometimes is too much toxic players ;)

                                                      Jonas Kahnwald

                                                        @Daddy, need control spider, man

                                                        Mid lane :
                                                        Offlane solo :