General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm here for opinions

I'm here for opinions in General Discussion

    Not so long ago, maybe 4 days, my friend got a vac ban. We dont exactly know why but he is guessing that the reason is he used cheat engine in dota with offline mode activated and in a bot match with 9 bots. What you guys think about this? Do you think he deserve the vac?


      But rules are rules
      He took the risk anyway


        An idiot if you ask me, he deserves it


          Thanks, thats what we always tell him but afterall he fell into his own sword


            Why the fuck would he use cheats on bots though?


              SeemsGood Shit dude thos extreme bots r too hard. Better use FUCKING CHEATS to beat em! SeemsGood


                Sorry guys, but after update 7.00 I really wanted to try the new abilities and explore the whole new map. I still do not see why bad to "cheat" in a solo boot game for example sped up the game time.


                  I don't think cheating in a solo bot offline is worthy of a VAC though. Sadly VACs are non-negotiable so perhaps you can make another account?

                  Sad those immortals are sexy, rip.