General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you guys think of this game?

What do you guys think of this game? in General Discussion

    Renshin I've played ''wardbitch'' a couple times and I will gladly tell you that not once have I been carried to victory by those ''high skilled 6k mmr players'', they all fed the shit out of their lanes every single time, I at this point don't care even when I see a 7k player I'm 200% sure that retard is gonna feed the second he walks down to his lane, that's why I take matters in my own hands but sadly that's not enough when the ''higher mmr players'' are incapable to play and have the IQ of a monkey while the enemy team is obviously a stack of the highest skilled players.

    rice cake

      6k play like 4k because cookies. The idea to play i'd mmr.


        quantity of games matters nothing

        i've said this 10000 times, it only teaches you muscle memory.

        as good as i am with sk with like 1k games or whatever, there's always gonna be some 8-9k scrub who played him 5 times and he plays better than me.

        not because his sk skill is better, but because he plays the game better.

        and he'd win all those 8k avg games as sk, while i would be going 0/1000 in that match

        1-IceTea 🌟



            Oh my Dunning-Kruger stage II. I doubted zer0, I ridiculed his theories. Nothing can ever surpass the affliction known as Dunning-Kruger. Nothing in this world is that retarded.

            You, sir, has proven me wrong.


              whoa dude...


                almost every 4k has some ridiculous superiority complex

                all they do is try to 1v9, they'll take roles from higher teammates because they don't want the chance that they'll feed

                they think they can do everything by themselves


                then they ask themselves ''why am i 4k i played better than these retards''

                and that's what everyone in that 5x 1v9 team thinks.

                rice cake

                  9k nowadays play like shrimp. I cant believe those 9k turds..




                      The only time I won with the ''higher skilled players'' was when I got Kuroky and Jerax in my team gohan is Kuroky and finland is Jerax.


                        ah the lovely ''let me find you my 1 game sample size to prove my point"


                          That is a technique every D-K patient has mastered well.

                          But wow you are next level. Actually giving the screenshot not just the link to the game. Truly D-K II.

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            This post is so amusing.

                            I hereby summons Saiyan,Diox to join our fun


                              But, that amount of retardation will tear a hole in the fabric of space time! The intellect of every human who has existed and will ever exist will be sucked into the blackhole created by the mass of retardation!

                              rice cake

                                Anyway. Lets make new hero aghanim meme so icefrog will make it happen. Just like pocket riki

                                rice cake

                                  The heroes not yet have aghs effect: dk, troll, medusa, pa, any other?

                                  The Medic Guy

                                    lol, what make you lose is your negativity
                                    I at this point don't care even when I see a 7k player I'm 200% sure that retard is gonna feed the second he walks down to his lane

                                    the way you think just so negative, you think you gonna lose that's why you lose

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      Arc Warden, Brood, Clinkz, DP, Ember, Io, Lycan, Monkey King, Slardar, Spec, TA, TB, and Underlord.


                                          Glad someone agreess with me.

                                          M u r d e r

                                            pudge mid, i hope you got reported


                                              ^ anotha one but this time it's normal skill guy saying this LMFAO.


                                                How is being NS relate to anything do you live in a world where everything is dictated by skill LMFAO good shit solid 5/7.


                                                  if u r low mmr u pick support or i feed

                                                  thats how games work in ranked. i assure u u all locked core roles instantly during picks

                                                  safe to say if im the 7k who has the misery of some 4k moron pudge only player picking core in my game i will run down mid


                                                    qsnakes also much much better than u but he never tries when theres morons on his team


                                                      Yeah but you're a toxic swine, I'll gladly lose that game for you then I won't mind losing -25 points for some delusional toxic pig like you.

                                                      Can definitely tell qsnakes is way better than me with that game right there lmfao.


                                                        Toxic swine calling out another toxic swine this the shit right here, y'all come.


                                                          Pretty sure he is better than you.



                                                            Thats why youre 4k

                                                            If you knew so much why do you even post here


                                                              i haveat least 4 players in this match pre muted
                                                              nice hidden pool

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                was a nice read thanks for the thread fam


                                                                  So Triple you agree I got unlucky here, how could I be hidden pool though? The past summary's I've had were me having 0-5 reports and I don't flame in my games so idk.


                                                                    legion where jungle = TERRIBLE, left underlord solo off by 7 min (good jungle) or 11 min (bad jungle)
                                                                    pudge midle = TERRIBLE, low mov speed, no scape method, low impact... he is better roaming
                                                                    also they have slark and monkey, 2 of most strongest heroes of the meta

                                                                    ogre cant let luna alone with silencer and blue cow roaming, cuz she is the last hope for the game
                                                                    to many factors lead u to lose..


                                                                      i was sarcastic about the hidden pool
                                                                      any game wi qsnake in it is garbage by default


                                                                        Well I'm glad atleast you're not saying that I'm the only one that lost this game.


                                                                          qsnake is a fucking god




                                                                              U misspelled dog


                                                                                dogshit u mean.


                                                                                  I remember when I was 4k, I was shitstomping these kids.


                                                                                    i agree with acc buyers i play one game last night enemy team od was 6k and he lose to our 4k zeus:D that was funny

                                                                                    ( )

                                                                                    and why the fuck u go mid when u are lowest mmr in ur game go fuckin ply pos 4 or 5 every 6k is not acc buyer .

                                                                                    and i hate ppl pick pudge mid u can have more impact with roam pudge than mid pudge


                                                                                      But in this case every 6k was an acc buyer? I clearly was the best player here and once again just because u are bad pudge player doesn't mean nobody should play pudge mid.


                                                                                        with 1k games on a hero u can go any lane with any hero, the point is that a guy with 1k puck or sf invoker or storm games, being at the same skill level as you, will fuck u in the ass in most of cases

                                                                                        hero X being suboptimal on lane Y doesnt mean u cant win by doing it, it will just cost u more effort in learning, and the skill cap is closer - u just wont get past a certain limit.


                                                                                          Yeah I know but still if you have proper supports that can help you out as they normally would do then you can easily win the lane, in this game it wasn't the case because Magnus has quelling blade + his w so he pretty much gets every creep and deny so he automatically wins the lane anyways but it wasn't that big of a difference, he just hit 6 while I was halfway 6 so he wasn't doing that great of a job but after I got 6-7 or even before I got those levels if ogre maybe ganked I could have killed him but anyways apart from that, what I really meant with this game was that this game is actually a ''teammates were holding me back'' because if you look at these players they're 5.5k-7k players they're supposed to be somewhat good at this game but even you said yourself that a game with that Qsnake guy is garbage and you have 4 or more people muted from that game that pretty much sums up that game, I'm just really unlucky sometimes with these ''high mmr players'', in my team they're always garbage but enemy team they're pro players.


                                                                                            Why don't u just claim techies safelane carry then come on dotabuff and cry about how ur team is bad

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              I think you're still confusing a single game with a large pool of games. I am still not buying that your teammates are always worse than your enemies, it's statistically impossible. In one game yes, you can get some retards who can't play the game to save their life, or they can have a bad game, but if over the last 500 games you haven't won more than you have lost, it's entirely on you.

                                                                                              M u r d e r

                                                                                                how about multi-accounters? win 95% on a smurf, win 45% on main, gets ridiculed by dotabuff for having low winrate.


                                                                                                  ywn, thats a very stupid example I would've expected a more normal example from a 7k player.

                                                                                                  nom nom, I just really wanted to show this game, this is a first time for me out of like 4k+ games where I get these ''very high skilled'' players and they play worse than 3ks, yeah ive had ~5.5ks play like this but this is 6k+.


                                                                                                    These smurfs are actually quite hilarious. Probably calibrated 5k+ with the old system in 2014 and sold to some people through npc. You shouldn't complain because you are a smurf as well.


                                                                                                      If u were timber maybe u could've won ur lane taken mid tower and counterganked their safelane. Then qDog would probably carry you if he isn't already running down mid