General Discussion

General DiscussionToday is a different day

Today is a different day in General Discussion
Dr. Banana

    Today, most people around the world will be celebrating Christmas quite merrily, not knowing that some people will be living in sadness, despair, sorrow. I am one of those people; but I am also proud. It is like losing a close relative: at first you're sad, and then you move on.

    I can say with confidence, my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 died today, taking my laptop with it. I am sad, as this laptop did a good 6 years and they were memorable, but I am also proud for the exact same reason.
    Rest in piece, GPU.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      ^Ger a banana and eat it, it will fix your saddness

      basement :)

        Good. Now buy a computer.