General Discussion

General Discussionhow/where can i learn support 7.01

how/where can i learn support 7.01 in General Discussion

    since supporting has drastically changed because of 7.00 i want to learn everything a support can do now, of course starting from the basics. i believe supporting is something that every player should know so im gonna go through the trouble of learning how to so it now. firstly i want to learn how the map affects supporting (warding, new pulling, proper movement and rotations, etc) but do i need to choose one of the classifications of support (static vs roam)?

    also after that what else should i know about supporting in the new patch? what cant i do anymore and what new stuff can i do now, and most imortantly, what should i generally be doing


        hmmmm really makes you think.


          Take bounties


            roaming supports have never been my thing outside of maiden >.>

            my map rotations are very dogshit; a lot of times i try to force my mid/offlane to go for kills that in the end we actually cant get and i become so fucking underlevelled and by 20 mins im a zero-impact hero and my team is playing 4v5

            are there any guides/players that i can follow that can teach me how to roam properly? like what routes to take, which wards help with roaming, etc


              rolf alice, theres no absolute roaming pattern since it depends on the game, depends on which hero/lane is the most gankable
              You just have to have really good map awareness and game sense to roam properly


                Just keep looking at the map and see which lane needs your help the most or which enemy hero are the easiest to gank (or even both RIP SF LUL)


                  i know there arent roaming patterns obv but im talking about the routes i can take that cover more ground and get more resources so that if my gank fails it isnt entirely useless because i got a bounty/courier/prevented a stack along the way

                  but then thinking about it maybe it really is just map awareness and situational decison making. its just that i always find myself roaming without any goal and im juat there sitting with no exp/gold

                  oh actually i have a question about that. take for example every kill on the map is just too fucking hard that its almost impossible. what should i be doing then? sapping exp in lane (isnt this a crime tho since the role of a roamer is to always be missing) or take bounty runes or w/e


                    what heroes do you even plan to roam with?


                      i tried bh once and failed cuz im retarded

                      but i want to try ogre and treant for starters


                        You don't have to kill heroes
                        Just be annoying and make them fear your presence
                        Rune taking is priority
                        No runes (odd minutes)? Go suck XP until it's nearly avaiable, and walk to take the bounty runes


                          i would start with sb but that shit's too braindead to learn anything from i think...


                            treant is hella fun, you can kill the enemy offlaner pretty easily with that hero, steal bouty runes, shitfuq an enemy jungler (if there is one)
                            screw over the enemy carry and make the enemy supports poor. good hero rn imo


                              U can mimic my support game if u want.. I mainly play as support..


                                The score might be 0-0 but if you cause the enemy team to run out of regen items quickly it's already nice
                                Also tell your team to fucking take advantage of your roamings by pushing and make them lose map control, while increasing your own, while your power spike is still up


                                  SB IS NOT THAT BRAINDEAD COME ON
                                  TP COOLDOWN MANAGEMENT


                                    Bounty is the most braindead roaming hero pls mate


                                      bws that makes sense

                                      for the love of god tho, i cant set up kills with bh. prob just being rly retarded


                                        I suggest you stack the small camp at the 0:55 mark otherwise you wont be able to do a stacked pull until after 3 minutes (assuming you stack then).
                                        Apart from that I have no idea how to support anymore. I mostly right click enemies until bounty spawns, go get bounty and repeat.

                                        FREE PALESTINE

                                          Mimic my bh then ayy lamo


                                            Go GAMELEAP lol


                                              I find myself playing more aggressively, taking bounty runes, roaming with smokes and overall trying to communicate a lot.
                                              In fact the games I have more difficulty with is those where the communication is absent and marginal.

                                              Supporting in 7.01 has changed drastically, I noticed I can afford more expensive items now without sacrificing much of warding and other utility items such as smokes. So once you've got your basics like Glimmer or force etc. you can force more fights coordinating with your team mates for pick offs or push depending on the hero comp as well.

                                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                Spam underlord or centaur not much you can Do wrong. Fuck Support

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  so we have 3 cores and 2 roaming supports now? Or because of the better dou offlane impact we have 1-1-2 SOLO SAFELANE
                                                  Seems good
                                                  Roaming support definitely have it better this patch. But what does laning support actually do now in a standard way? Once the camp spawn is blocked, you will have to wait another two minutes to stack and pull. How to zone out a douofflane with shrine regen? Not to mention the ward can't cover the ganking routes thoroughly now. Everything seems harder for lane support now.


                                                    I think you should start playing on position 5. Choose few heroes spam them when you have a chance. Meta changed - the new bounty runes help a lot. Moreover, now clarity is something SUPER cool. You can pretty much cast your spells infinite to zone out enemy offlaner.

                                                    You should practice. I see you don't play on supports often. One thing I can advise you is to watch PPD's advanced guide how to play on supports. It changed my mind drastically. Previously I was playing mid, safe lane only. I was afraid to play on support because I thought that I wouldn't make a lot of impact. Now I really like to play on supports. It may sound weird but now I'm just not afraid to be position 5. Previously, I had games when my teammates picked all cores and jungle and the only position left was position 5. I was losing MMR in games like this because I just didn't now what to do: what items I should get, are these items efficient on my hero, where do I take gold as a support.

                                                    As for the new map. For me, the most efficient way to make gold as position 5 is to secure bounty runes and help my cores get kills or survive. If they survive there are a lot of cases when they just go base and I can farm lane for a bit. So, teleporting is something essential.

                                                    When I started to win games when my teammates picked cores I started to up my mmr. Now I climbed from 3,8k mmr to 4,6 mmr in a month. Sometimes I have games with 5,9k mmr players ~5k average and my games usually have 2 supports which make them more enjoyable. As for playing supports below 4k it's not as enjoyable as it may seem but is still fun if you have the guts.

                                                      Alien Righteousness

                                               has a ton of up-to-date (i.e., 7.00 - 7.01) guides on supporting but you might need to buy a membership. They are well worth it, though, if you're serious about getting better at supporting.


                                                          Yo usually if there isn't much u can do on the map. U go and tilt the mid. Works every time


                                                              idk if it's even possible to make a good support guide

                                                              the role does so much early that it's ridiculous to make even a flow chart on what/when you should do.


                                                                so support cant be taught then (or can be taught altho it will take shittons of time)


                                                                    well personally i'd love it if you can do it altho it wont make sense if you make a 1hr guide just for 1 person to see

                                                                    i guess most people just dont have the interest in playing support because people (me included) have this mentality that playing support is hard and cant solo win games not to mention the fun factor that core roles give...


                                                                      Pretty sure there are tons of ppl interested in that. But doesn't sound something u can do in 1 hour