General Discussion

General Discussionhow to escape this 3.8-3.9k shit hole

how to escape this 3.8-3.9k shit hole in General Discussion
FOCUS 1000000000%

    well its been well months since i reached this mmr from 1k now im stuck here have i reached my limit ;-;


      Check map more.
      TP to literally anything that looks like you can kill an enemy.
      Get rosh more.
      Look at the map every 3 seconds.
      Check enemy items constantly.
      Learn to identify what skills the enemy is leveling.
      Don't depend on your team; Play in a way that inspires them to make good choices.
      Utilize item slots effectively. Have a plan for what items you will get. Buy the items ASAP
      Learn how to use every possible item on a hero. (refresher slark for example)
      Be very very deliberate with when you use a skill. Timing is very important.
      Understand every single lane perfectly. You should be able to predict how a lane plays out just based on the heroes in it.
      If you can kill someone for free, KILL THEM. Be very aware of your ability to kill someone.
      Farming patterns have to be optimized to perfection.
      Be aware that some people will try to punish you if you are being too efficient. Sometimes it might be better to take a less efficient path if you think it is unsafe.

      Oh and above all else: don't be afraid to take risks. Sometimes, the play that seems the stupidest will lead to a massive win. You have to be willing to take risks. If you play too safe, you will basically be stuck at the mmr you are at forever.

      I can probably write more but I haven't played in a few months.

      Freya 69

        Try losing 10% win rate in ranked like me and see how your sanity fairs.


          I can help u reach another shit hole for hats


            ty Allison.. very helpfull


              I went from 3.8k-4K with straight wins, I spammed ta and jugg and carried my team every game,


                Pray to God Gaben gives better teammates.

                basement :)

                  Get good.

                  commends swapper

                    the trench never ends, go back to 1k its much more fun there


                      @ Allison, normal game pls.



                        G  I  T  G  U  D
                        I                   U
                        T                  G
                        G                  T 
                        U                  I
                        D  U  G  T  I  G


                          G I T G U D
                          I U
                          T G
                          G T
                          U I
                          D U G T I G

                          Why isnt it working LUL




                              I've been stuck in 3.8-3.9k for so long. I'm not much higher now, but I can escape 3.8-3.9 even when I drop back there.

                              Just try to be positive and try not to tilt and blame team-mates.

                              If you're capable of holding your 3.9 consistently you will be able to escape it eventually.

                              However, if you climb back to 3.9 and lose like a 8 games in a row, you just lack either a strong mentallity or skills to get past 4k.

                              People try hard here a lot(because they have a chance to go past 4k), a lot of smurfs end up in this range, and quite a few MMR boosters.

                              Last but not least, learn Slark, Jugg, Mid OD, pick acording to team and don't be afraid to let them carry you, if they already picked 3 or more cores.

                              Spirit Breaker, Omniknight, Riki, BH are also good if pos 1 or 2 is taken. Do not try to fight for the role and do not try to argue with them. At first sign of disagreement, just mute the problematic person or even a whole team and start playing you own game.

                              Don't be afraid to afk-farm and take towers while splitpushing in case you're pos 1/2 and need a particular item.

                              Once you reach flat 4k it doesn't get any easier tho. So be careful and stay strong. Try constantly to improve and try to understand it's not about your team-mates.

                              Basically try not to wake a inner Dunning Krugger inside yourself.

                              The Medic Guy

                                you can't, stop trying.


                                keep pressing the finding match button
                                until you escape that bracket, maybe took you 1 year or 2, but worth it.
                                then after you get 40xx

                                you will lose your next match, and 3 match after that.

                                have a nice day.

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  Go do cookies challenge, WTH is 30mit 800LH?

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    just play more, you should eventually get there

                                    Need to talk,remove your ...

                                      Learn to play offlane

                                      Jonas Kahnwald

                                        Pick Broodmother and end game before 20 mins. So you will saved your time.

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Collect little skills, quick-buy b4 death, roshan timer, buyback timer, put down items for HP MP heal. Those tiny skills make some difference.


                                            PMA really helps if you're not good enough to outskill your enemies


                                              ^was that a jab at hAffy? Lul


                                                listen to milliontears while playing :P


                                                  You never will. People just suck dicks.
                                                  When you have an offlaner with more farm than your mid, your jungle and your safelane carry, I think you have a problem. This shitshow of a game needs to fix this shit matchmaking bc these fucktards aren't my skill level.


                                                    I usually do that too as a safety net if the enemy team is actually competent

                                                    fear is the mind killer

                                                      Was a really easy bracket for me. I struggled much more 4k/4.2K


                                                        i feel you bruh , im trying my best but i still cant break tru 4k flat