General Discussion

General Discussionits deso best item for weaver????

its deso best item for weaver???? in General Discussion
Good Luck

    if i try maelstrom 1st its better or worst??????? pls give me a reason

    Riguma Borusu

      It really depends on what you're doing, maelstrom first has been tried in competitive, it helps you clear waves faster, but you're much worse at hitting the towers. If you plan on hitting heroes, however, the question isn't really maelstrom or deso, but rather medallion or deso. If you can afford to get an early deso, go for it, because it allows you to take down towers after successful fights, if you can't build it because the game's hard and you can't even easily farm it up, go for the medallion.


        It depends


          Medallion is meh on core weaver
          Quite amazing on roaming weaver tho

          Good Luck

            did you mean i can try medalion and then rush mjolnir????? i try weaver like 20 times and i still think mjol its best rather than deso , but manny ppl always blame when the game lost :(


              Medallion for supp weaver. Deso for core. But maelstrom or deso is a tough one. I too do not know which is better. I think u do a lot of dmg w maelstrom as well. And wave clear is just awesome

              Good Luck

                yeah its for aoe for creep and 5 vs 5 man aoe damage its awesome


                  Use the Mjollnir's active on the hero that gets focused on, not on yourself.

                  Eziest 10000 commends of my life.


                    dlance first


                      Enemy team is bulky af on armor? Mael
                      Need AoE damage? Mael
                      Running minus armor strat? Deso
                      Team lacks tower hitter? Deso
                      Enemy is squishy on armor? Deso
                      It's 50/50 imo, just buy whatever is the best for the situation
                      Or just get both huehuehue


                        Just like ember, I don't think rushing mjo is that good unless you're playing support weaver that keeps thr hero that's the main target alive
                        He scales with raw damage or procs, just like WR and ember, why increase his AS early on?


                          Leaving maelstrom the way it is until lategame is bettef


                            if ur not buying deso ur a moron. its weavers ebst item.

                              basement :)

                                Maelstorm or Deso first is autistic. It literally throws games unless the team is extremely ahead. It is always either Dragon Lance or Linken’s first and then an offensive item.


                                  You need a hp item though. So if you have no good spell to block get dlance rather than linkens. Or just build it to pike then deso. Then just get bkb then bloodtorn :)

                                  Good Luck

                                    @badman hahaha its good

                                    after last night i try again i got a new build

                                    the balance build its diffusal u got damage + aspd
                                    and weaver is one of the best hero using heart of taras hahahaha

                                    and try do not build linken 1st its great item for weaver but in 10 -20 minute u got outcarried by enemy carry who build damage
                                    thats my new opinion