General Discussion

General Discussionmeepo discussion

meepo discussion in General Discussion

    HI guys.. i am playing a lot of meepo lately and looking to spam meepo mid to climb ... I just need help from high skilled meepo players here regarding the patch.. firstly, what is your mindset in laning phase against certain heroes? I usually lose to TA and tinker.. secondly, i used to build BoT first item in 6.88 but i see pros going for treads this patch for full stats sharing.. and then i go double dragon lance .. early stats help me a lot to fight, push and farm and i go solo rs as soon as i get lifesteal talent and try my best to push the hell out of the enemy team...still my winrate is not good... any tips ?


      Ask sheepdick


        First you have to:

        Flourine uranium carbon potassium bismuth technetium helium sulfur germanium thulium oxygen neon yttrium.

        Sheepstick plays like shit.


          no. You have more reason to buy BoT rather than Treads now.. You already gained full stats from treads before 7.00 update coz treads is a boot that all of your meepos carry. Some players used to buy treads coz there were no other way to share stats before buying aghanim. Now we can just buy dragon lance. Only pro player who buys treads i know of is w33 and hes not a good meepo player anyway.
          New 7.00 meepo is stronger at early game but weaker at late game btw.


            Thread give +16 stay on clones




                18* feels like a bug but apparently, its true i'd still go for bot tho


                  Not a bug


                    Most ppl go threads blink dance aghs and just try snowball after blink now

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      i don't think that's an item in dota :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

                      Pontic Greek

                        Against a TA i would take more geostrike early to burst her shield down and then she is quite squishy.
                        Laning against anyone mid with a meepo you sort of have to play aggressive and almost tease them into diving you
                        Sometimes i hold onto my level 3 extra meepo and spawn it right as they go on you, then you have an extra meepo to fight with with full hp and mana they didnt realise. This works better in lower skill games.