General Discussion

General Discussionabout earthshaker

about earthshaker in General Discussion
4pos pudge/grim only

    i actually want to post this thing a bit earlier, but i decided to play a game first. and its kinda coincidental as es kinda fit in the line against that terrorblade and some slippery hero who need to be constantly stunned. imo, es kinda need a rework on his skills. maybe reduce his Q cd by 3 seconds or changes his talent tree idk. i checked his pick rate and its below 10%, pretty much expected since we currently have more famous offlaner in the game. but i do remember in pre 6.80 hes kinda famous and i can see him in every other 2 games, not mentioning he is a common pick in pro scene months(years (?)) ago. now the only time i see him is only when im playing using him. anyone has any thought about him?


      Heroes shift in and out of the meta. But generally ES is a horrible lane support since he can't zone, yeah he is good as a roamer I guess but that would need coordination to chain stun well. I've been playing him pos 3 and it's a good spot with him, sadly the only thing he is good at come late game is killing off illusions. The illusion meta has gone away already, so if he was a niche pick before in countering Luna SD strats he has something like a 20% chance of getting picked.

      He's shit.


        You dont play him as a lane support , play him as roamer . Roamer now get a shitton of gold and he can get his blink before 18 min . And also go for 1411 build instead of 4111 so that you can clear jungle


          True, but none of his abilities scale well, except for Totem ofc but who would play ES stacking Strength items. If the enemy doesn't have summons nor illusions your ulti does pathetic damage, worse ES needs to be in the thick of the fight to cast his spells efficiently. As a poor roamer, what would stop him from feeding badly with such a relatively low MS and no escape mechanism? Did I also mention he is melee?


            You need to play critshaker bruh

            4pos pudge/grim only

              i see. but going 1411 and roaming doesnt seem fit to me, because level 1 Q has a fairly short duration of stun, and without high level E, chain stunning is really hard. and i think he is not necessarily an "illusions counter hero", i only pick him when we need chain stunning for heroes like storm ember morph and such, and his ult has nearly none cast point so theres no way of dodging the echo after you blink in. anyway thanks for the pov. but i love him. sad to see nobody play him anymore :(


                if you feed using a roamer then you are doing it wrong except , you r being a highimpact roamer that kept trade killing with enemy core. you go tranquil windlace soulring and you move quite fast , and with that item + 1411 build , you can start jungling so that it fasten your blink dagger.
                with a wellplaced skill 1, it enough to secure a kill . And you dont go gank a lane where from the start you cant kill anyone (ex: ganking your timber lane wont get you kill until he's lvl 6). so to conclude he is a garbage hero anyway without blink , whether you play it as a pos 3 4 5, by playing it as a roamer you are being high impact on early game and walk around taking the rune , start getting your item , go jungle with your 1411 build to fasten your blink. there is it ,your much more impactful ES rather than just sitting on lane afking without doing shit.