General Discussion

General DiscussionJDF8.

JDF8. in General Discussion

    Is that you in moonmeader stream? Hes playing abbadon and you as venge. The 50 min game right?

    casual gamer

      yes i played like garbage LMao

      casual gamer


          Cough cough invoker cough cough


            Shame lol. Legendary swap might have just thown the game

            casual gamer

              honestly i shouldve just picked silencer


                a good offlaner is fun to watch. whats his mmr?


                  Yeah lol

                  casual gamer


                    we had no real initiation and swapping the enigma fast is hard against spectre and all the aoe shit they had, cant blink in

                    luckily they threw pretty hard first by letting luna rat top rax and later by spectre dying without BB enabling the megas

                    casual gamer

                      venge is honestly one of my worst supports, i couldve picked WW and done way better i believe