General Discussion

General DiscussionThis player went from around 3200 mmr to 4k mmr with Techies

This player went from around 3200 mmr to 4k mmr with Techies in General Discussion
basement :)

    It might be time to kill myself.

    Incidentally, this might prove hero spamming can get people anywhere or most places at least.

    Rofl, Opendota was wrong. He actually calibrated at 3.2k and climbed to 4k. That is astounding.


      fuck techies

      Riguma Borusu

        I am 100% sure that you can spam literally any hero in literally any position, have 60%+ winrate and spam from 0-5k MMR if you really try.


          i wish they made it easier to dodge people again. people like this probably make 5 others quit dota during their dota career. negative asset to the community.

          i have 5 reports to use

            Blast off is broken spell, literally a Mirana aghs star fall combo with silence fuk that man