General Discussion

General Discussioni remember when matchmaking didnt do this

i remember when matchmaking didnt do this in General Discussion
casual gamer


      Yeah Valve punishing you for abusing enemies with Balanced King. Get cucked.


        RTZ played on a 5k average match when he was 8.5k
        Tell me about it

        casual gamer

          or am i picking monkey king so i can be the king of my team? :thinking:


            Or are you picking Monkey King so that you can be the ever-absent paternal figure in your life, which was your father, in order to represent that you are wholly independent and don't need guidance, that you are a man who will succeed and fail by your own merit? :thinking:


              I don't really see the problem lul.
              If I ever get highest MMR I'm quite happy, it means that I can call the shots and atlest one of them will listen to me.
              Either that or tell them that iam a smurf

              i have 5 reports to use

                Bruh have your console out and type in disconnect while loading, and once u see a 4K avg game u press enter and voila u dodged


                  u paly cores only, this is a good scenario for u generally


                    2-11 report this account buyer



                      casual gamer

                        yeah i played like a monkey



                          casual gamer

                            back to picking tree xd



                              casual gamer

                                much better


                                  Just get drunk.


                                    dont get banned ecks dee

                                    casual gamer

                                      my dota 2 is haunted


                                        you member? i member

                                        Lester, Moe

                                          Match making is so fucked. 5.4k average game with 6.8k being our highest mmr on our team and their team. We had a fucking 4.4k mmr player who last picked tinker and stole mid from our 6.8k luna, who then proceeded to tilt and die to neutrals all game.