General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to high ground as Tinker

How to high ground as Tinker in General Discussion
♏mikeeCS ツ

    I mean destroying Enemies T3, not defense our T3 tower.

    I know im NS guy. So I need your comments guys.
    Need your advice, complains, trashtalk, anything XD.

    I even tried to build necromicon to have allies attacking tower, or should I make manta instead of dagon?
    Or should I join teamfight more?
    Or? Or?

    We know enemies all carries so I tried play fast.
    Tried to splitpush while enemy go team fight I attack their tower but my attack is like attacking with paper......
    So never destroy T3 or their barrack.
    Then getting to >1 hour game... andddd..... lose....ggwp

    Match :

    Masters let me know your ideas


      splitpush when someone gets separated for defending another lane then take that guy out,then ur team can go highground


        Did you get rosh? Its normal you lose because tinker is hard to win vs that kind of line up

        casual gamer
          feeding weaboo

            Jdf reread pls

            feeding weaboo

              He's not asking how to deal with tinker's HG
              He's asking how to push HG as tinker

              casual gamer


                casual gamer

                  reading comprehension is hard

                  i just played a game as tinker, then played a game against tinker. im traumatized

                  tinker cannot hit towers, he has no damage and it puts him out of position. your best bet is manta + necro, but its going to be very tough. if you have a shitton of extra gold, you can put an AC from backpack onto inventory before using manta


                    Jdf8 I think he meant aht he should do when he is the tinker and wants to hg push


                      Well that comment was unnecessary fuck my 2g internet


                        tinker aether ia 1k range laser conbined with agh 1200 range laser if u get catched from that range wp ur next lvl noob

                        ♏mikeeCS ツ

                          Tried to splitpush but enemies goes to mortred and other and ignore me... so i am the one who destroy tower....
                          Lol I cannot attack tower...

                          Yes necro and manta...
                          I already bought necro and going on manta....but its late anyway.
                          So the best tinker item for pushing HG is only that two item right?

                          Thanks for your ideas!

                          The Medic Guy

                            buy aghanim

                            Fee Too Pee

                              Actually win teamfights with aether aghs and let your team hit tower

                              Dude just nuke people down. Thats your job as tinker

                              Pushing is someone else job

                              This disunity must end.

                                21 mins deso pa not bad
                                25 mins blink BOT SR Aghs on tinker not bad
                                but did you deathball after that?
                                imo you could have easily won the game by 30-35 mins specially with weaver's swarm meatshield timber and a deso pa backed up by tinker beams and shit

                                This disunity must end.

                                  0 sentries against clinkz and that clinkz's kda.... must have been a nice game Haha


                                    Tinker is not designed as a building pusher. His right click are pretty weak and none of his abilities can deal with buildings...


                                        2 bluestars with reading comprehension problems I see

                                        casual gamer

                                          four head

                                          ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                            yea I told weaver to push but he just cant listen, he choose to do teamfight....
                                            I partied with pa, he told me to towering and end soon since he just have like 7-8 streak loss at previous match so he really wants to win.
                                            I also partied with timber but he's braindead in dota (he's funny in real life so I keep friend with him though lol)

                                            Yes after several though I must joined teamfight more often rather than towering....

                                            @this disunity must end
                                            Corect lol. Luckily the clinkz was bit retarded.
                                            Usually when partied 90% of time I being the support.
                                            So when I take mid (not be the support), none of my team will buy ward (sad).
                                            Soo different when I be the one who support (wards everywhere XD)


                                              you need your team most of the cases, it's quite difficult to go hg alone, all you can do is splitpush sidelane and luckily dont die
                                              havent played tinker in a while but i think he's gigabad especially after jungle change
                                              (although i agree that i farm like dogshit on this hero, but tinker cant farm as fast as one would think imo)


                                                if ure pushing side lanes u blink into the trees next to the t3 and put a couple of marches to zone out the enemies while your cores hit the tower, its nothing complicated