General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone tell me how the FUCK

can someone tell me how the FUCK in General Discussion

    i am feeding in the laning stage of every fucking game? i think my overall decisionmaking and shit is fine, but EVERY FUCKING GAME i am feeding in early game. is there something i can do about it?


      offlane is definitely not for you u cant resist feeding and yoloing for 40 gold creep U MUST LASTHIT IT EVEN THO U DIE


        You doing well bro, buy salve and ff youre too agresive i guess ff helps a lot early


          You could be overconfident. Usually I can see that I'm better than my opponent. Then they just end up playing like little pusies And I try to force a kill and not expect rotations and counterganks. Or just aggressive positioning makes me an easy target. Usually this is from overconfidence because u know the enemy sucks balls


            you arent thinking about the game when you feed earlygame

            The Medic Guy

              don't greedy, don't die


                I thinked you're english bad redemption
                Go learning english

                The Medic Guy

                  no, it just you who don't understand england. :eyeroll:

                  basement :)

                    Something I recently learnt is that not all lanes are meant to be won. Sometimes sitting back, leeching xp and maybe getting a few last hits is enough.


                      u only need to learn 2 things

                      when to trade hits

                      and what your hero's limits are

                      if u know both of this u will be able to see ur enemy's mistakes and you'll autowin your lane every game like i do



                        Vem Comigo

                          you only yolo if the enemy has 3 ranged creeps, that shit so gud