General Discussion

General Discussionweaver linkens

weaver linkens in General Discussion
the realm's delight

    do you build this item every game?




        weaver withut linkens seems fine tbh


          if u dont get linkens how do u have mana sustain? bloodthornes only a last item

            the realm's delight

              it seems much like the morph linkens every game to me
              i bought clarities early and got aquila+raindrops and it didnt seem like mana was a big issue tho i watched some replays and seems everyones building it


                ROFFFFL you're a fokkin genius withthat bf mana regen

                or u just go urn medalion like a real man. that's a lot of mana regen mate


                  linken in every game is dumb, every item its situational.. raindrops, wand and aquila should be enough, buy linken when need the spell block only


                    pfft. if your going gay normal boring ass build, just get aquila wand and bottle

                    Dire Wolf

                      Does situational mean you build it 9 times out of 10? If that's the case then ok it's situational.

                      The better question is when to build it.


                        i think its more like 5 times out of 10


                          BUY BOTTLE


                            The item is very slow, generally you shouldn't get it unless you are against retarded single target abilities that make the hero unplayable like BS or Doom.


                              buy bottle


                                in some games if ur playing as 5 a lot and theres teammates with arcanes I'm sure u can go deso bkb or some shit and just rape towers and make kids very sad when they die in 2 hits, but linkens is nice to have just like on morph u don't really want to build it, but u need that regen.


                                  last time someone mentioned weaver bottle on my stream, my 7k friend went apeshit
                                  or was it sniper

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    yes it was inx's bottle vevor propaganda
                                    i don't remember anyone going apeshit though


                                      no im not fucking autstic

                                      well, i am, but building linkens on weaver all the time is retarded


                                        i get a casual early perservance pretty often tho
                                        or/and aquila
                                        and raindrops, this item's godlike


                                          and what do you make of perservance if not linkens
                                          battle fury?

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            he makes linken's out of it


                                              linkens or nothing
                                              i just get it as ~4th slot


                                                i think linkens most of the time is good because u get

                                                1) regen in lane

                                                2) decent stats for early game (considering a ~13-14 min max. linkens)

                                                3) blocks a spell and can also block an item - so they can't counter you with orchid etc

                                                i don't see why you'd not build it except for some very rare games


                                                  cz all the items weaver benefits from most fall of pretty quickly, and delaying ur deso and/or dragon lance kinda sucks, particularly given that the stats linkens give you are shit for the price u have to pay for it, tbh

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    well I wouldn't rush linkens, I'd get aquila, perserverance, lance, deso some order. Rushing linkens is almost always bad.


                                                      give me 1 game where a linkens would not potentialyl save you in any way - i think its actually quite important so u can dive in the early game once u got ur deso

                                                      also when would u get ur deso? maybe at 15-16 mins, idk what u need a 10 min deso for


                                                        not to mention that ure building perseverance anyway, so linkens actually only costs 3100, and u get +15 on all stats +5 dmg, which is practically like 1 1/2 dragon lances + spell block

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          1 1/2 dragon lances


                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Deso is way more dps than linkens, and yes a 10 min deso you are going to 2 shot supports with sukuchi, deso + germ attack, one more auto attack.


                                                              linkens is never a must build imo, no matter what hero

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                deutchland logic GIGALUL


                                                                  idk i thought it gives +12 or osmething lul, nonetheless you also get intelligence so fuck off

                                                                  its certainly not must build, but 99% of the cases it is


                                                                    i dont think id ever get a linkens plus deso by min 16 as offlane weaver
                                                                    just realized that some ppl might be talki about safelane weaver


                                                                      yes im talking only about safelane weaver actually

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        just realized that some ppl might be talki about safelane weaver

                                                                        thats where u put the hero..


                                                                          dude, im an old man, weaver for me is still a core in dual offlane


                                                                            u can play him everywhere... support weaver, carry weaver, jungle weaver, offlane weaver, mid weaver WTF?>!?!?!?? but if u go jungle pls kys


                                                                              I'm really hating this current Weaver popularity. Mostly because I love playing the hero and he'll probably get nerfed.


                                                                                they can nerf weaver, then you just play support weaver in the offlane. it's much better. you dont rush linkens anymore because of other better items like raindrops, bottles for regen if you roam weaver, & dragon lance and how the playstyle has changed.


                                                                                  Linkens weaver means 3 hero must be needed to kill u. So you can just detect if the enemy want to kill u.


                                                                                    Linken rush only works in 2k where people try to kill weaver with only 1 or 2 heroes
                                                                                    Definitely a 3rd or 4th item pickup


                                                                                      Aquila bottle stick raindrop
                                                                                      Pick up two of them you won't have that much mana problems
                                                                                      If you keep dying then the problem is with the player, not the items


                                                                                        Mid weaver isn't that good tbh
                                                                                        Lane is too short for him to take advantage of shukuchi
                                                                                        Although with those bounty runes I can see why it's quite viable now


                                                                                          I don't why some people bashing current Linken's Sphere here. The item got buffed with cheaper recipe and now cheaper than Manta. Gives you the mana sustain to keep up with Shukuchi, good hp regen for farm sustain. Great active ability on Weaver, also.

                                                                                          I'm not saying you need to rush to Linkens, but if you don't your first item of choice would be Dragon Lance / Hurricane Pike. Weaver still needs those early stats. You can get a damage item like Desolator or MKB, and you build Linkens as 3rd or 4th item again. (BTW, first item Desolator is always a bad choice.)

                                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                                            knew id get triggered at some point making this thread


                                                                                              i jsut checked the mmrs of the ppl recently responding to it and it is a 4Head


                                                                                                Typical 5k response

                                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                  i love how "only works in 2k" responses often come from ppl who never actually played anywhere but 2k




                                                                                                      Hahahaha 5ks triggered. Noiice


                                                                                                        Which comment exactly triggered you tho.