General Discussion

General Discussion2k MMR Offlane

2k MMR Offlane in General Discussion

    So I have roughly 2000 hours on Dota and I recently started playing ranked a lot. I generally play offlane. It seems to be the best lane for gaining mmr right now. Can anyone tell me how i can improve my games and possibly gain mmr faster? I am about 2k mmr.

    casual gamer

      if ur ina weak lane you can do whatever

      against a strong trilane run to your t3 and block creeps until the lane is close enough to get safe xp/gold OR go talon jungle

      picking good offlaners is a great way to win dota games


        Watch some high mmr games and look at what does the offlaner do there.
        Watch your own game and see what you do drastically differently.
        Break everything down into smaller details, such as: "how much do I focus on last hits", "how do I deal with harassing better".

        Or you can just go offlane Monkey King with auto-attack. That shit always works in 2k unless your teammates are potato bags.


          I normally solo my lane and have no problems winning my lane. And I was also wondering if Viper could be a viable solo offlaner. I know hes not really meta right now but with the changes to skadi and his orb maybe he could have some sort of impact with deso and skadi?


            just try to counter enemy pick and do not feed 2 much on lane


              do they have a melee carry? do they have a jungler or you know its going to be a weak duo lane?

              if yes to both pick axe, spin to win, collect points.

              Oh, and remember to use ur shrine and clear out your nearby jungle camps if the lane is not going well


                I currently play mostly offlane necrophos. What was hard for me is when enemy trilane tried to pressure me with wards and tower dives etc. It happens every second game, frankly. So, now I go midas everygame and try to get as much as I can on the lane and just go late. I only scythe/focus their position one if they dont have defensive supports. However, if I go double lane and we dominate lane completely vs 2,3 heroes I just get fast arcanes and mek. And the most important thing is that you shouldnt go afk farm jungle if you are zoned out. You should defend your twr as long as possible. In my games if I my tier 1 offlane standing after 15-20 minute mark thats usually a win for me cuz I have a lot of space. And yeah necrophos is a really strong offlane now.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Viper's quite okay I guess but you will need to take 3rd skin first
                  You don't wanna get to a point where you consider Skadi or Deso
                  Pike and Shadow Blade or even Blink Dagger first