General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone tell me wtf are these skill builds on my team?

can someone tell me wtf are these skill builds on my team? in General Discussion
    account buyers on my team smh, enemy team has like 5.4k and rest 4.7+
    im playing roaming mk btw


      When I looked at the link the only build I thought was really off was the MK then i realised that was you HAHAHAHA

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        A lot of builds are wrong in this game
        Bloodstone QoP and Deso CK wtf
        Your team isn't that insane yet but they're bad
        I wonder what would be the outcome if QoP went for Bloodthorn instead


          His build is also terrible on MK though? Like why would you ever want to silence yourself

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            ^Now that he builds it I find it quite legit, MK's skillset CD are more than 8s you can cast them out before and after the berserk, no big deal
            Quickly dishing out all your Jingu buff before they get to react, it's like people buy MoM on Ursa too
            But it's risky of course


              classic blade mail spectre

              casual gamer

                yeah ck and ta are clearly both complete dipshit

                casual gamer


                  6k mmr blademail spectre. its not bad


                    lol pa no blink till lvl 10
                    ember max slight of fist

                    this guy has a point.


                      If ur playing roaming mk, why dont u just buy a vlads/helm.


                        Silencing urself as mk is like MoM on void.

                        i have 5 reports to use

                          Because I can flash farm ancients and I activate it before fights to run fast or after using spells. Though I should have gone shadow blade instead of blade mail because it's extra strong in low prio. I was also on massive tilt after looking at ember and pas skill build and how they played. Worse than bots imo


                            U shud have had sb instead of MoM and silver edge instead of blademail imo

                            Giff me Wingman


                              First I thought it was only one guy or something but hell it was your entire team. Another proof that SEA = DOGSHIT.