General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling Hero Spotlight

Morphling Hero Spotlight in General Discussion
Major Dickie Head

    Hi Everyone,

    I have written a Sunday Spotlight on Morphling. Check it out and give me your feedback



    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Hmmmm... Nice
      I'm quite surprised 63% people go for +25 atk spd instead of 12% CD reduction at lvl 15 talent though
      But then

      In higher MMR matches it is common to see the 12% Cooldown reduction talent picked up.

      What a relief xD
      I'm a morphling fan so I'm interested enough... yet I feel... it's quite plain tbh what's missing... hmm...

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        But that would be too in depth and takes a lot of effort ;/

        Major Dickie Head

          I think that writing about play-style and strategy would be like a whole separate peice. This is more of an overview of the hero. Looking at items skills things like that.

          Also looking at some meta statistics.


            Cd reduction is always better. Since it affects items thats less time between linkens, more shotguns more often, less time between manta.

            Major Dickie Head

              I found it interesting though that a lot more people are currently picking up the attack speed. Maybe its an MMR bracket thing.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Well you can still have a brief paragraph for it, no need to go detailed, just the main concept
                because playstyles changes with meta too

                and yeah CD reduction is totally better for Morph especially Replicate and TPs, he's a casting hard carry after all
                1.6 BAT still makes +25 atk spd a viable choice because you wanna be a decisive split pusher and steady DPS carry

                I think morph is quite ded tho
                He's considered hard carry, needs Eblade and Linkens to peak which is best at 30 mins but starts falling real hard while other hard carries keep going up from there on
                You can't afford to fuck up the peak time, it's high risk low reward, lots of farm not much impact.
                With highground shrines, morph will have a hard time to end game


                  How does morph fall off? If anything he is bad cuz of the root buffs, and underlord being picked a lot, and that he is kinda low tempo. His late game is rlly strong.

                  Major Dickie Head

                    I think you have a point. I am probably going to try and do this weekly so I will include it moving forward.

                    He is super dead in the meta at the moment. I think he takes way to long to get online and games are ending before his peak time. And he does struggle to push highground with the shrines.