General Discussion

General DiscussionReport Support

Report Support in General Discussion

    Ok so here is the thing:
    I play almost only support in ranked( 72 % (prolly more)

    In most of these games i am the person to buy most obs, sentrys, smoke while taking lowest amount of CS.
    Now i played some dota this week and got muted, then kicked to low priority. The spectre game was the first game i was muted, now i am even in low prio. I got 8 comments during the last couple of games. I also want to point out that i havent voicechatted ONCE since my microphone is broken!
    To proove i am not making this ridicolus stuff up i put in the effort to upload photos of everything. you can also check the games via my profile to check and youll see that in most games i am the one to spend most gold on support item and take least lasthits as i claimed.
    Note that i won alot of these games and in all of these games i had (except the rubick game) i had a ton of impact and gained a good advantage for my team from the laning phase with proper zoning, warding and succesful (sometimes smoked) rotations on mid.

    I am very upset about this. I have been kicked to low prio before and it takes much longer then 3 games to get out of there and its awful and not fun. Basically its like putting in 3 h of work just to be allowed into normal matchmaking pool again. many trolls and quitters in low prio, long queue times and everybody is selfish idiod / ***hole.

    All i do is call out teammates mistakes in written teamchat (rarely in all chat, when it was a really ridicolous mistake, when other people are allchatting aswell). i ask people to build certain items or to gank certain lanes. When they fail / make ridiolous mistakes i ask them what was going through their mind. Sometimes i get apologies '' yeah that was stupid didnt see the mag was waiting to RP ''
    '' yeah fuck i though riki was bottom ''. most of the time its silence till the last teamfight when people come to me with namecalling, calling me asshole, idiot, retard although in my mind i played fine that game, got ton of work done etc and it was the mechanical missplays of cores in later midgame that made us loose from won laning phase.

    I want to ask everyone in this forum if they think this is an appropriate punishment. Keep in mind that i calibrated to 2800 MMR and gained my way up myself without push while probably 1/5 people in 4,5 - 5k bracket are accbuyers / pushers.

    And to valve i want to say FUCK YOU FOR RUINING THIS BEAUTIFUL GAME!
    If one gets 8 comments and plays supp every game, sacrificing his itemprogression for team and victory every game and you kick him to low prio your game deserves to fail. These accbuyer are obviously willing to spend money. they are the ones buying your skins. they play more dota and buy more skins when they have proper support. its in your interest to keep players like me around. YOU need ME!

    And the community needs people that point this shit out. I am not playing these 3 games. Fuck off volvo. seriously. The report system needs a rework and as long as you put me low prio for tryhard supporting i aint supporting your moneybags no more.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      so if i got ur point correctly
      u should be punished less severely than other players because u main support?


        lp system is junk

        i have 5 reports to use

          It's because of report inflation. I am an abuser and a victim of the new report system Lul


            I think that people that abuse ranked matchmaking for casual buttonpressing ruining 9 players game expirience with their trolling, ''yo fuck off i dont even take this game seriously you 4k retards'' ''i dont want to win this game if it means player XYZ gain mmr'' deserve reports and low priority. Thats why i make sure to use my full repetoir of reports for this kind of people and encourage my teammates to do the same.

            This punishment system favors an uncommunicative braindead buttonpressing playstyle where everyone has to keep their head down and stfu.

            I think reports and low prio are for this kind of players and not supports that die for you, delay their blinkdagger for wards so you can farm.

            Also a report option for poor mechanical skill would be really good since most people that report some1 for 'feeding' arent actually catching an intentional feeder but rather someone who had a bad day / bought his account / gave up in minute 5. so a report option for poor mechanical skill that gets evaluated (mb not even punished at all, mb punished with recalibration) would be good. could also be extended other way so mechanically superior players can be commented for high mech. skill and they could get some feature that allowes them to gain MMR faster (would deal with smurfs iaswell).

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Is it that easy to get your teammates unified and gang report a player?
              Do some of them just blame you in game from start to end and make everyone focus on your mistakes just so they can brainwash the other teammates that you're no good?
              I mean...
              They're all pretty much the same skill level and they wouldn't judge anyone too wrong, right?

              I rarely get gang reports anyways... I'm not sure why even though I'm quite the salt and flame releasing ass if someone tilts me
              Maybe 3k carry pickers have no idea how to support and are afraid to criticize me :P

              I gotta agree that LP hell system is over-punishing...
              In HoN(2013) there is no report but abandoned games will be accounted and if the percentage is over 5% you will be banned from Matchmaking then forcing you to play enough public custom games in order to increase your total games, then making the abandon percentage lower than 5%. Which is a good thing because it doesn't care if you win or lose, yet people can abuse it since it's custom games and quickly get back to matchmaking. There is no report system so cancerous people stays though. HoN btw, seems like a shithole from here now.
              Maybe they should remove LP every patch. I always thought it's great that way because they already punish you for not being able to play normal matchmaking for a long period xD


                These suggestions are terrible and you must be rude when you make suggestions as I politely suggest everything and people listen and cooperate with me somewhat most of the time

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  yea op's just a massive retard, move on
