General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy cant i gain mmr?

Why cant i gain mmr? in General Discussion

    I recently started climbing. I now hit 1.7k mmr and cannot climb up any more. I stopped gainning mmr after the recent update where we all match with ppl nearer. I keep solo carrying ppl but i cant seem gain mmr. Any advice, rensin promise to coach me but he never come online :(


      If you will play better, you will win more games, you will get more mmr. Simple


        Try Smurfing


          My cs is fine, item decision is fine, midgame decision is fine. I dont know where to prove. Most of the time i played better than others.


            uh oh sounds like u have dunning kruger. better see your Dr. Cookie before it gets too bad


              wow 1700 mmr is hard too bad u deserve VHS


                Your winrate is fine too, 70% in ranked this month.
                If you want to climb you just need to play more and to believe in yourself :P

                Malcolm Reynolds

                  Gotta be honest, if your decision making was fine you'd gain MMR. However, since you're 1700 it really shouldn't be difficult solo winning games - if you truly were above your rating. But since you lose you must do something wrong, right? Anyhow, since you're not open to suggestions there's no point whining on a dotabuff forum :)


                    LAST HIT


                      I dont know sir. With the new update, i feel like i need to solo carry game more. I just need my team not to feed before 30min. I rarely lose before the new update but now i have lost 3 games. Thats even more than before the new update

                      Johnny Rico

                        pick carry and farm, split push, win games until 5k.


                          Pick carry and farm check
                          Split push check
                          Win games wtf


                            Try supporting
                            I had 10+ winstreak from 1.6k


                              Itemization and decision making kinda helped me to get out of 1k


                                You've been winning a lot with Luna. She will get you out of 1k and 2k


                                  @fx after certain mmr people will start taking advantage of supports. Try playing semi support heroes like silencer, necro with quick GG it worked before it works better now etc. Dont play cores all the time.
                                  In most games you lost you had very less TD. maybe you didnt push because they had vision and you dont. Buy wards in such cases and use it in lanes you plan to push. its tougher to breach high ground with alll the shrines so at the end of the day team does matter.


                                    Git gud? Clearly u r low mmr so u rnt doing everything right. Just keep getting better, ull get there.

                                    Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                      play in 1k, you can't lose in 1k

                                      edit: nvm
