General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff Plus Hero Rankings

Dotabuff Plus Hero Rankings in General Discussion
tyfa 木樹

    On this site when attempting to purchase Dotabuff plus it shows some features you get as you buy Plus. One of those are the hero rankings where you can see how high ranked your certain hero is amongst all other players (dotabuff users i presume). Probably one of the biggest reason I wanted to try Plus out. So i bought plus now. and it unfortunately does not really show my hero ranking, it only shows that my OD for example is ranked higher than 98% of all the users.

    Hopefully im just not used to plus and there is a way to alter method of showing or anything to get the absolute ranking or there is actually obvious information about this that I just blatantly missed but if not I feel kind of fooled. I just think that when visiting the "Plus" tab for potential purchase you should really put in some more information about the hero rankings, how its possibly percentile ranking if you are not high enough to qualify for an absolute ranking (If this is the way it works). Anyway, have a nice day.

    Edit: I feel like I should mention how much I appreciate this site otherwise and all the effort put into it. And by no means do I mean any disrespect.

    Regards from a boy who feels a bit deceived

    Ryan Gosling Fan

      You have to be in top 1000 or sth to Show the exact rank.

      Ryan Gosling Fan

        Actually you can Check hero rankings on opendota. Dont need + for it


          it gives u in exacr numbter if you are in top1000, otherwise it just displays your percentile.
          opendota has a separate different ranking system to dotabuff one; and both of them suck.


            just use opendota. opendota is accurate.

            dont listen to triplesteal, he is barely 5k .


              And you're a smurf, lol


                *grabs popcorn*


                  some1 waited 27 days to defend me from an attack i didnt even notice

                  thanks fam

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    GJ fam you finally done it


                      It had to be said.